Welcome to the Galleria.
I'd like you to imagine that this is one of those great big event
posters covering an entire wall, you know, like they sometimes have outside of an art
museum or a gallery announcing the exhibit of the moment: The Essence of Fine Dining (or some such nonsense, maybe Spirit
This then, as follows, is the main attraction. A few pictures, taken in series, filling up an entire gallery wall (or so I like to imagine); the last, capturing the artist at work.
Or, if you're not into still life. I call the piece below Sleeping Cat. Best to leave her alone.
And there you are...
Oh, right. I said I was going to talk about programming.
So a few weeks back, I used a .bat file to create a list of all the images in
a directory, then pasted the output into an Excel file, and then I pasted the entire thing into Komposer. This time, I did the entire thing in Python. It's way more elegant. Of course, one would need to load Python onto their machine to get it to work. But then, if one already has Python on their computer, they probably don't need my code. But
the code is here
in text file format, all the same.
As usual, all rights reserved. Massive (mind boggling large)
royalty checks may be emailed to my attention... or deposited directly to my account online.
Those who wish to lodge complaints, criticisms, and/or other missives
that do not include royalty checks (mind boggling large or otherwise)
should direct their attention to the copyright notice: all rights
And if you haven't hit the rest of the pages in the series, now's
your chance.
Oh, and just by-the-by, when I read the above notice (and especially
when I get to the 'None! None! None!' part, I like to read
it in a -- non-copyright violating, or so I can only hope -- sort of
Daffy Duck voice-over impersonation type way).