the alts suck on this page but Im not going to go back and do much, the figcaption acts as an alt, centered the lot on 2-26-16, thats about it, eh, who am I kidding, maybe i will come back tommorow and do more, I guess I do not have a choice, have to move the images out of their original folders and move them into images, at first they were in a folder in images called 2013-9-4-Brett Food, ridiculously long, so, not going to stay that way, renaming and moving down to images, its one of the main reasons Im redoing the pages, that, and adding a center tag the lenght of the page, so easy, and makes the page look that much better, center, best tag ever, oh, this image is just a title image, says its a page in which im going to use the figcaption tag, practice test page as much as anything else
It's been two months. Lots of pictures, fewer words.
Ribs with brown sugar for a glaze, nice, sort of remember this was too sweet, the jelly version was better, but fun for the experimentation, next day 2-27-16 notes from here on down, ribs, brown sugar, probably soy sauce, and finish broil the ribs in a stainless steel bowl
Ribs, brown sugar, and salt, at 250 for hours on end.
Gargonzola Pear, Pizza leftovers, looks like some sort of chicken, prunes, canned cheries, broccoli, the good stuff, pizza woul have been from Caliofornia Pizza Kitchen.gif
Nothing says leftovers like pizza, cherries, and prunes.
Probably left over chicken stock, but maybe duck, lots of bits and pieces, then added the rest, very tasty, vegetables in broth
A personal fave: spinach, corn, and drippings.
Ribs Jelly and Balsalmic vinegar, got a bunch of ribs on sale, obviously, to me anyhow, potato chips in bowls, broccoli too, table set for two
Ribs again with a cherry vinaigrette.
Zeller or Zellar, never quite sure, spelling not my thing, snowshoe cat in blankets, looking up at camera
Zeller the cat, sleeping: as comfy as can be.
Zeller again, two images, further, closer, a cat, looking for food, looking forward to food, feed me
Zeller the cat, about to eat: as happy as can be.
I had a standing workstation going, and stilleto would nestle in back and go to sleep, nice to have her close by, white blanket was my standing pad, leezard beach towel was there for her, back in Walnut Creek
This one is Stiletto. I code, she sleeps at my feet.
An avocado seed, the veins, multicolored brown, very nice, very soothing, like fine wood, if it wasnt natural, fools would buy stuff like this in tourist shops rather than pick up off the ground, consumerism is a weird thing
An avocado seed. I think it's pretty.
Salmon, yep, that is what it looks like, arugala salid, heavily dressed with balsamic, bagels, sour cream Im guessing and some kind of red stuff, oh, those where dalmos, damas, some kind of olive leaf wrapped rice thing, so so
Salmon leftovers with sour cream, dolma, & bagel.
Might as well do the comments before reading the text, at one time, I was eating a lot of peanut butter, ice cream, and bananas, still do, but not together as much, lots of salt on that, too, adding honey not bad
Peanut butter and banana sundae with extra salt.
Yes, microwaving is a must, so saw the caption first, hard not to look at the caption first, put it in the microwave, peanut butter gets warm, bananas soggy, then add icecream after the fact or not, not in this case.gif
Again, after being microwaved for a few seconds.
I do not eat as much toast as I did at one time, low carb diet and all now, working out for me, or lower carb, jelly, bread, butter, and salt, its good
Peanut butter and cherry jelly on an English muffin.
More of the same
Peanut butter and banana sundae again: one of fifty.
I think we have seen this one before, slight variation, not much to add, think I bought four slabs of ribs, big sale at Fresh and Easy2
Ribs, dolma, and salad with mixed cherry dressing.
Lettuce, shrimp, cocktail sauce, not eating much shrimp these days, but its an easy dish, that Im going to assume is healthy
Shrimp salad with banana sauce. What's that? Try it.
Tritip is a nice cut of meat, was eating if for awhile, sale, of course
TriTip sandwich with fancy tomato/cheese side dish.
Just random stuff thrown together, wonder what it would taste like, just playing, sausage was OK, forgot all about it, so could not have been that great
Chinese sausage stew with shredded fungi.
Zeller the cat sleeping under a nice warm orange blanket, only head and feet sticking out, looks cute
Zeller, sleeping, again. All bundled up.
Looks suitably elegant
Steak: the real stuff, with wilted lettuce & peas.
More steack, do like that steak, nice and fatty, just eat it all, stopped trimming off the fat years ago, probably will start eating the tendons in chicken, maybe cartelige next, give me that meat
Leftover steak with green beans, balsamic, and bagel.
With Costco and the like and the big containers of food, I started indulging more, if one buys shredded cheese in bulk, have to use a lot of it to use it up, this stuff likely came from Trader Joes, though, talking about the blue cheese, never did like bagels much, wonder why I bought them, probably on sale, next to free
Guess it didn't look decadent enough, so blue cheese.
Ribs cooking over time, put in steel bowl, and cook and cook and cook, caption says 250, for five hours, so the day, good way to heat the apartment, big mistake in summertime
Ribs: slow cooked at 250 for 5 plus hours.
As the caption says, in a clear pyrex pie dish or on a plate, ribs where good
Ribs, sour cream, & apricots; and again with cherries.
Toast be good, croissant be better
A croissant, split in half, toasted and jellied.
Meat salad with blue cheese, lettuce never tasted so good
TriTip, blue cheese, & dried cherry salad.
Its only here that Im realizing the old pictures were named in sort order, so they would be loaded by my page creator correctly, been spending far too long trying to figure out which image was the correct one, maybe because I messed up and skipped one at the begginning\
TriTip sandwich with hot mustard and sour cream.
So, so, if I remember, rice noodles not quite the same, but its been so long, maybe I thought it was great, certainly dont remember that being the case
Rice noodle spaghetti with five-cheese topping.
Here we have a cat, lounding in the sun
Stiletto, sleeping in the sun.
Ditto, cat be happy
Not even trying to look like she's hunting mice.
Once went to a food kitchen and they fed me spagetti and peas, most folks in line were complaining, I sort of liked it, maybe I was hungrier
Brussels sprouts and spaghetti. Works for me.
Tom Kha Gai sauce if fantastic, spicy, rich, loads of flavour from every direction, though, some combinations of food are  better than others, I was making Tom Kha once a week for a while there
Brussels sprouts in Tom Kha Gha sauce.
Close up of the same, bread for dipping into the sauce
Seriously, Tom Kha Gha goes with everything.
Do not ask me why the cookdown sequense is reversed, Ill flip them now, so no longer reversed, but the next few alts might make more sense reading first or just knowing that originally, they were first, though this is the first logical image in the progression
Lemon-sugar chicken, cooked and recooked.
Start with a chicken, cook it, take off a piece, and recook it, lemons in the center, smaller and smaller as time goes by, start with breast, legs, till bones be the final meal
Second half of chicken cook down sequence.
Looks like straight chicken meat for this meal
Here we go. After a half dozen reheats, it's still juicy.
Yeah, caption covers it, jelly goop, works like mayonaise
Cold chicken jelly juice and pickle sandwiches. Yum!
Cook a chicken in stainless steel bown, 2 hrs at 350, reheat, reheat, reheat, and this is the final portion, perhaps minus the juice, or juice used before for corn stew and such
This is the chicken at the end of it all, still juicy.
Curry from packet with frozen vegetables
Random curry, so hot I cut it with cheese & bread.
Curry again, with bread, and loaded with parmesion cheese
Canned curry this time with parmesan cheese.
Breakfast, that is all
Eggs, sausage, and prunes: nothing says morning like...
Fried up sausages or some kind of greasy meat and eggs is a delight, reminds me of camping out as a child almost every time, so, slumber party breakfast, kids come in for dad burning up the stove, a genuine cook out experience complete with fire, I can hear mom say, oh, Ill take mine extra burnt
That stuff on the eggs is sausage scrapings.
Just food, really
Eggs, asparagas, and mock hollandaise.
second picture almost identical, must have liked it
So good, it's worth two pictures...
Sometimes the simple things are the best, bowl with ingredients, spoonful of each, closeup, whip it up, use and throw out the rest
Mayonnaise, mustard, and lemon juice = mock sauce.
Another simple combination, toast and egg added, probably did this for breakfast
Eggs and green beans (the last of finally).
Chicken cooking, raw to table, looks good, white stuff is chicken fat, congealed in dish
Chicken legs drizzled with honey. Crispy on the outside.
Four thighs in a bowl, add some brockolli, lettice, make a sandwich, four meals, or maybe just three
Honey lemon chicken: salad, sandwich, and straight.
Mango be good, this dish, appearently not so much
Mystery Mango Curry: won't be repeating this one, ever.
Yeah, this one doesn't look so good either, this one and last, both curry dishes, previous looking more like cream soup, this one, looks more oily, like coconut based, with lots of hot sauce on top, mushrooms in there, too
Curry be what curry be: with Chinese sausage, I believe.
Cooking a pork butt, from raw to pulled port sandwich, pork raw, pork cooked, nice and brown, put on plate, pull apart, add pickles, oninons, vinnegar, make sandwich
Pulled pork sandwich from start to finish.
Add avocado, and this be a close up of another sandwich, no doubt next day, added avocado, so now we know where the seed came from
Avocado pork sandwich: truly delightful.
nice plate, looks like a small portion, fresh peaches being the most notable, and fresh cherries, otherwise, just a sald and steak
Steak, crispy fat, cherries, and peaches.
Ribs from raw to cooked in multiple steps, perhaps the most interesting aspect is seperating out the juice to be used later for something else
Ribs getting slow cooked. Me cook you long time.
Comming up, a series of different rib sauces, this was basic Balsamic, it was good
Now, there's a rib. Balsamic and salt, nada else.
Huh, caption says I liked it, looks not very good, but there you go, certainly all that corn swimming about, I like greasy corn, or did, so, not a bad dish I guess, ribs, corn, prunes, just covered in grease
Ribs, prunes, and corn with plenty of salt: finger lickin.
Simple, ribs with a dab of jelly, it worked, this I remember, this was good, sugar and fruit, what more does one want in a meat sauce
Ribs with strawberry jam: simple and to the point.
Looks good to me, so, now i am hungry, but Id rather ti was chicken that salmon or tuna
Canned salmon salad: blueberry dressing & blue cheese.
What the heck is this, mixed vegetables over bread, ah, scallops, just barely recognized it before reading caption, probably a total waste of the scallops, not eating scallops much theese days, price is going through the roof
Frozen pre-packaged scallops with veges over toast.
Noodles, spagetti sauce, hot peppers, buttered toast, and store bought meatballs
Spaghetti, buttered toast, and meatballs.
Dressing is creamy seasame seed, good on peaches, too
Fresh strawberry and spinach salad.
A salad, not much special about it, had left over vegetables, someone must have left town
Same dressing with spinach, beets, & carrots.
What do you know, it was a hit, close up picture
Liked it so well, I had it again.
Another salad, probably bought a bag of spinache, have to use it up
Spinach and blue cheese with cherry vinaigrette salad.
Almost a meal its so big, heaping bowl of frozen strawberries, recently thawed, bananas, and ice cream
Decadence! Banana & strawberry sundae, and lots of it.
Meat, pickles, lots of sliced pickles, som mayonaise, on sliced bread, good stuff, pickles be the key, basically eating pickles, and meat, with bread to hold it all together
TriTip sandwich on toasted Hawaiian bread.
Caption says it all, in one of those pie plates, probably was thinking Id use the mushrooms as a meat substitute, mushrooms are no meat substitute
Spaghetti with dried mushrooms. Awful!
Same thing, different angle, do not askw why its worth two images
Terrible! Disgusting! The 'shrooms were not consumed.
I cannot say it looks appetizing, but I guess it was, curry gloop over a bed of vegetables
Chinese sausage, sauce packet curry. Now, this is eating.
Same as above, only still of the ingredient list
Aroy-D is inexpensive, but as good as anything else.
Big bag of scallps, using all at once, must be Trader Joes, smaller scallops, fried in butter, throw in broccoli, probably cooked very poorly, but got to start somewhere
Frozen scallops getting fried in butter with broccoli.
Stilleto sleeping, suppose you know if you like a cat or someone if you look at an image of them sleeping and it causes a positive reaction to rise in your heart, like that cat, so, gif progression, moving in on the sleeping cat, in my bed, upstairs by the computer, back in Walnut Creek, shed spend most of the day by me, unless the window was more inviting
Got a new quilt... for the cats. Obviously, for the cats.
Pizza bread, nice and brown, very well cooked, if I do say so myself, two pieces, lots of cheese, looks devine, what about it looks so good, well, I am hungry now as I write, been at this awhile, sweet hawaiian bread, cheese, maybe sun dried tomatoes, yeah, caption agrees, and those pack a lot of flavor, probably no sauce at all, just the oil and spices from the dried tomatoes
Pizza Bread: Hawaiian bread with sun-dried tomatoes.
Rib, Tom Kha sauce, broccoli, image progression, I will agree with the caption, this does not look so good, but why, maybe something as simple as the color of the sauce, or because the sauce looks runny, or really, maybe because the ribs could be so much better with another sauce that this seems like a waste
Tom Kha Gha Ribs: not everything goes with the Gha.
Zeller, sitting on an oragne blanket, very close to the previous picture like this, only he is sitting on top, guess he yawned at me too, if we are all done, time to sleep
If she gets the quilt, I get the blanket.
So, call it shrimp sushi, small shrimp, frozen, thawed, laid out next to each other, twenty on a plate, maybe more, touch of sauce, salad, and chopsticks, two place settings
Shrimp sushi: presentation is everything.
See, now this looks better to me, same Tom Kka, wild assortment of vegetables, probably no meat, made up in a five cup glass measuring cup, microwave that sucker, eat straight out of the cup, and then pour over eggs and other stuff, looks like polenta in the corner of the plate, good eating, very tasty, eggs, and then some sort of orange stuff, so carrots in the stew, poured over the top
Tom Kha Gha vegetable medley, eventually over eggs.

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