Portrait of an Imaginary Friend
Sal E. Mander

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So you guys are -----, and we are going to find out what blank is.
    Yeah, dat da plan
So, one of you is going to have Mickey play him in the movie.
    If he ever call back
    He good guy, he call back
Wouldn’t leave you hanging?
    I got that Tom and Jerry Guy
The mouse?
    Yeah, he play me
    Ohh, he good
    Not good as Mickey
    Oh, he good, he smart
So which one was the mouse?
    I tink it Jerry
    Yeah, Tom da cat name
    So, I get Jerry
You sure it was Jerry and not Tom?
    I tink Someone say Tom be da cat
    So Jeery be da mouse
    And I get Jerry
Thing is, I never knew which one was Tom and which one was Jerry.  I always thought the mouse would get top billing, so Tom would be the mouse.
    Tom cat’s name
    Yeah, we be through this, Meester
But I’m not so sure.
    We sure
Look.  If I don’t know, how can you know?
    We know
    We ask around
    I call Jerry now
What if Jerry is the cat?
    They do that thingy with da computers den
    Make eem small
    Um, hey guys, who play me?
    Hey Meester, who play heem?
Mickey?  Jerry?  I’m thinking Speedy Gonzalas.
    He fast
    He Speedy
But is He available?
    That be da real question
    Will Disney and da Hanna Barbarian put aside da differences
    Bury da hatchet and makee da movie
I’m thinking there’s a bigger issue here.
    Yeah, who play Meester
Not really what I was getting at.
    Yeah, who play heem?
    I know, John Wayne
Not going to work.
    You be Harrison Ford
I don’t like where this is going.
    Yeah, you Hans Solo Meester
    (general snickering)
    hee, hee
Stop it.
    We just jokee, jeez
    Some people get thin skin, Meester
Anyhow, there’s a bigger issue.
    Always about heem isn’t it
    It cause his head so big
Look, I fancy Jim Carey, OK.
    Good Choice
    He funny
    Do good work in pet detective
    Honorable work
    Very important work
Who plays me isn’t the issue.  You guys aren’t mice.
    We know, we -----
So why Mickey, and Tom or Jerry, or whoever?
    He quick
    He Speedy
But you aren’t mice.
    They wear costumes
    Paint dem green
    Like Jimmy in that grinchy movie
    We gonna have to be on da first name basis if we workees together
Mickey, Jerry, Speedy, and Jimmy.
    Jimmy maybe have to wear da mask too
Hey, that’s my line... on account of me being sooo good looking and all.
    You gotta dis vibid imagination, Meester


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