Portrait of an Imaginary Friend
Sal E. Mander

# # # 5 # # #

    We really not gonna tell them what we is?
Nope.  Not telling.
    Cause of da copyright?
    Not ever?
If we make a movie, we tell them in the movie.  You’ll get to play yourselves, or there won’t be a movie.
    No movie?
Who knows?  If they want a movie, there’ll be plenty of money.  We’ll buy © back, or split it.  Whatever.  If there’s a movie, you guys will be the stars.
    Mickey won’t like eet
    Speedy hasn’t worked in da while
    Yeah, last time I saw Jerry, he still doing same gags
    They needed the break
They’ll understand.
    How about Jimmy?
I’ve got my fingers crossed.

All Rights Available
And For Sale

So with fingers crossed,
if you're interested and in the business,
please let me know.

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