Portrait of an Imaginary Friend
Sal E. Mander

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    Oh, Oh!  I got it
Got what?
    I know what we Is
I should hope so.
    He don’t know
Know what?
    You don’t know what we is
    He don’t know (indignant)
    We is slpr (hand slaps over mouth)
    Pst pst (a hasty huddle and quiet conference, then coyly)
    He don’t know
Sure I do.
    No you don’t
I’ve been living with you for five years.  I know what you are.
    No you don’t
    If Meester did, he could say
Listen, in five years, your two favorite sayings are, “I’m Hungee...”
    I am Hungee
It like he pysich,
    He read my mind
    I’m hungee too, but dat don’t mean he know
And your all time favorite saying, as an explanation for just about everything, is to grab my shirt collar with your little hands and say in ernest, “We are -----.“
    blank (stomping foot, eyes glaring)
    Blank, in five years, we are da blanket-blank
    See, I told you he no know
Listen I told you…   
    Me sickee of dis copyright thingee
    It no work
    Good bit, but it over now
    I be he cant guess what we are
You are -----.
    Blankee line tingy don’t cut It, Meester
    Maybe he don’t know (sad)
I could guess?  Make a game of it?
    Games fun
    We likee playees
Are you elephants?
    Elephants not green
Some are pink.
    Elephants too big
Could be a small pink, or er green, elephants.
    We don’t have no trunk
How about rats?
    We no rats Meester
I don’t know?  Small, long tails.
    We no rats
    We biten you
Sharp teeth, bad disposition; I’m guessing RATS!
    We no rats Meester
    We ----- (happily)
    Hey, you forget what we is
    We -----
    You forget too
    It no good (depressed)
Maybe we can figure it out together.
    Yeah oo’operate
    You gette stutterer now
    We figure it out
    But we not rats
OK.  Rats and Elephants are out the door.
    And dey no comee back


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