Portrait of an Imaginary Friend
Sal E. Mander

# # # 2-B # # #

So, did you get Mickey’s agent?
    He say he call back
    He got put on hold
    HE SAY, he call back

Anyhow, if for all practical purposes no one can tell if you’re supposed to be Mickey…
    Who not be green
Or a frog, or a turtle, or whatever, then there is no copyright infringement.  The character in question is a very specific character with a specific name.  A name and a type of creature that happens to appear absolutely nowhere in this book.
    You no geeve little hint?
    Not teeniest little hint?
Nope.  They’re all red herrings.
    Dey not be berry convincing, if dey be red herrings
    Yeah, we be green
You sure about that? 
Edit, Find, Replace is a wonderful feature on a wordprocessor.

So OK, maybe ----- © is disputable
    You can © da blank line?
    I © “the”
    Why “the”
    You owe me $ now
    (eyes bright)
    I © thingee
     I © it
    I © green
    I © brocholi
    I © food
    I © water


    Hey Meester ©, we own you now
I think you guys got it.
    You owe me $
    You use da ©
    You pay us or we callem cops
    I © cops

    I © car
    I © sky
    I © arm
    I © leg
    I © snuggletime
    I © huggies

You can’t really © those things.  That’s why we can write this book.  You guys could be anything.
    Anything green
    3” tall
    with tails
And big bellies.
    He say he our friend, but he keep harping on da bellies
    You watchee it, Meester
    Meester ©
    Yeah, you watch it Meester ©


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© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler
