Celli the Happy Go Lucky Celaphopod's

Minataur Tails

The Second Book
in the Award Winning
D-Bound Adventuring Series

Table of Contents

Book III
10 - 11 - 12 - 13

Chapter 10 -  Birth -- School -- Work -- Death.  What about Play?

    Sick of reading, Ruby decides it's time for a break.  And what better place to take a break than the beach?  Only problem is how to get there?  And truthfully, that is perhaps the major drawback in writing adventure-logs (i.e. constant travel).  Seriously, at times, it feels like I'm writing a straight travelogue.  Maybe I'll call my next book How to See the Seven Realms on Less Than Three Coppers and Single Strip of Manna a Day.  Has a certain ring to it if you ask me.

Chapter 11 - The Cove

    I've long maintained that adventurers don't spend enough time at the beach, so we all spent the day surfing, lazing around building sand castles, and discussing philosophy -- the last indicating that this is one of the silliest chapters in the book... if not all of literature.

Chapter 12 - Da Bunga-low

    Garg has his cave.  I have Da Bunga-low.  Truth of the matter is I'd forgotten my toothbrush (K'fr and/or story notes, take your pick).  So I'd wanted to go home and retrieve (them/it) before we went any further.  And yeah, this really is how I live.  Read it and weep -- for me, for you, for whomever.  And then, if you love me, send gold, lots and lots of gold.

Chapter 13 - Self Referential Social Interactions

    Sometime, I should tell you about my imaginary friends, but smack dab in the middle of a storybook adventure is neither the time nor the place.


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler

Brett Words

The Cove has Mermaids.  So, um, it's a good place for a vacation or a little R&R if you ask me.