Celli the Happy Go Lucky Celaphopod's

Minataur Tails

The Second Book
in the Award Winning
D-Bound Adventuring Series

Table of Contents

Book III
14 - 15 - 16 - 17

Chapter 14 - the cove (a little earlier)

    The Celaphopod lives by the beach, which of course means, you have to drive down a harrowing mountain road from his house to get there.  And after a trip like that, the gang felt it was best to spend another day at the beach.  “Yippies!” a certain young drag-goon may have been heard to squeal in delight at the news.

Chapter 15 - Will Write for Food

    Truthfully, I will... as long as said food is served on a silver platter that I get to keep... or it's Lam Chowsees.  I love that Lam Chowsees.

Chapter 16 - H'wy

    Hw'y is one of the gods of old.  And his dominion is safe travel, so it was only a matter of time before Ruby ran across one of his shrines.  Oh, and Crazy George picks up a Disgruntled Thrall concert T-Shirt during their visit.  Not that that's important to the plot, but I get paid by the plug, so it is to me.

Chapter 17 - Verde Grun

    Verde is a dear sweet friend.  In the Elvin, his name means -- and follow along with me closely here, because this part is tricky -- “Verde Grun.”  Get it?  What a joke?  In the Elvin, his name means Verde Grun because that's his Elvin name.  What?  Not funny?  Fine.  Don't laugh.  But just to prove I don't hold a grudge, I'll tell you what his name really means: ‘Deep Green', ‘Very Green', or something like that.  Really, who knows?  I suppose them Elves know.  But they're not saying -- or at least, they're not here to say, which is the important part.  Anyway, whatever his name means, he's a T'Ree -- as in an honest to goodness T'Ree -- which might just sort of explain his militant environmentalism.


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler

Brett Words

Disgruntaled Thrall plays Shove, a less Elvin variant of the musical style known as Push.  Listen to Celli sing and you, too, will be Pushing and Shoving for the door.