Celli the Happy Go Lucky Celaphopod's

Minataur Tails

The Second Book
in the Award Winning
D-Bound Adventuring Series

Table of Contents

Book III
7 - 8 - 9

Chapter 7 - Dusanne Vendette

    This chapter is brought to you by the fine folks at MSAF, the makers of Myth-Alloy.  Dusanne Vendette is the name of a mechanical construct, which was fabricated out of Myth-Alloy many-many, many long years ago.  And of course, this magical warhorse has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the story, so I’m guessing that’s why we named the chapter after him, while Bones, who is a similarly constructed skeletal robot who just so happens to play a more or less central role in the rest of the story (being the chief nemesis and all), is simply ignored and looked over.  Oh, and if you’re looking for Bones motivation in the pages to come and why he turned evil, one need look no further than that whole shunted to the side and overlooked thing.  He really hates that.  Eats him up inside.  But enough about Bones, standard skeletal warlord, yada-yada, and all that.  Not only is Dusanne Vendette the ideal battle stead, he breathes fire, as well.  Cool, huh?

Chapter 8 - Duk’ah

    Duk’ah means quite literally, ‘stuff happens’.  Don’t really feel like writing a TOC entry for this chapter, so deal with it.  (That being an example of Duk’ah, though maybe not a very good one.) 

Chapter 9 - Time Drifts By

    In which the characters read books.  It’s sort of cerebral, that -- when you stop to think about it -- characters in books, reading about characters in books, who are reading about characters in books, and so on and so on and so on until your mind just sort of goes ‘Duk’ah’ and you have achieved blessed enlightenment -- otherwise known as that empty state of bliss when your mind goes totally blank and you become one with the all that is nothing: this then being a sort of serendipitous juxtaposition to the great big heaping pile of Duk’ah that was the last chapter.   


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler

Brett Words

See that, honest to goodness philosophy!  And at no additional charge.  Though, feel free to hand Gra'gl you soul on the way out.