Celli the Happy Go Lucky Celaphopod's

Minataur Tails

The Second Book
in the Award Winning
D-Bound Adventuring Series

Table of Contents

Book II

Chapter 9 - Trade Secrets: Locked in Time

    OK, so everyone knows that TOCs are where your clever authors (like me) place corrections, errata, and all that other stuff that would involve extensive rewriting of their story if not put somewhere but would be too cumbersome to insert elsewhere.  (What?  You think a book just “fact checks” itself and residual magical ambiguities resolve themselves of their own accord?  Oh, how I wish that were the case, but it’s not.)  So, anyhow, it would appear that I may have maybe smoked a wee tad bit of K’fr while writing Minataur Tails.  And though I don’t condone that sort of behavior (especially in others), the fact remains that facts be facts.  And it’s pretty clear in retrospect, after all the spells have cleared, the “magic” has dispelled, and (most importantly) I’m off the K’fr (for good this time, I swear), not all of the facts that seemed like facts at the time were indeed actual facts in the way that most folks understand facts to be, you know, as in truthfully verifiable facts that exist in the real, mundane, non-magical world of their own freewill, volition, and accord.  But even so, if you look at it the right way (backwards, forward, and upside down all at the same time, sort of like a wizard might -- twisted inside and out), I’m pretty sure you’ll agree it makes a sort of sense (then and now and quite possibly in the future, which is exactly the sort of time shift ambiguity this chapter is all about in the first place... or even the end place), so I don’t know why I’m writing all this here, now, at this particular junction in time, but then I sort of do.

    You see, I feel the need to clarify (unequivocally without qualification or ambiguity) that Ruby is a real live human girl (an actual person) who just sort of happens to play a character in a book.  And however it may seem at the time (now or in the future-past or in some past that you’ll read in the future), it’s definitely not the other way around.  Which is not to say that Ruby doesn’t play the part of a character in a book (who just so happens to be based on a real person, the one and aforementioned Ruby) because in fact, she does... and is... and maybe always will be... a character in a book who just so happens to be based on herself -- immortalized as it were.  Which when you stop and think about it means I maybe had it right way back when I was writing this thing the first time around!  And it makes sense, after all!  Even with all that K’rf!  Wow!  I am good!  So clever in fact that I don’t even understand it myself at times (one of those times being now -- only mere moments later).  Anyway, are we all clear?  Like mud you say?  Well then, that might just make us even.  But I’m just going to blame it on a strand or two or residual magic that didn’t get properly stowed away.  I mean, you know how the effects from that wild-stuff sometimes lingers around -- long after the party is over, you thought you’d put the cork (or the Djinni, as the case may be) back in that bottle, and laid the enchantment to rest.  So anyway, give it a little time and I’m sure the confusion will wear off... eventually.  Or maybe it will suit you (like it does me).  If so, I pray you wear it well.

    (And I know this TOC entry seems long, but trust me, for some folks the chapter itself seems to go on, like, forever.  Mu-ha-ha-ha!  Hack.  Hack.  Cough.  Cough.  You have been warned.)


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler

Brett Words

Or, you know, if that seemed really confusing, perhaps you should read this TOC entry, once again...