Celli the Happy Go Lucky Celaphopod's

Minataur Tails

The Second Book
in the Award Winning
D-Bound Adventuring Series

Table of Contents

Book II
6 - 7 - 8

Chapter 6 - A Fitting Punishment

    I have been told reading this chapter is the real punishment, but those folks don’t appreciate the nascent pleasures to be had by a full grown Celaphopod who is finally able to integrate a few choice roleplaying game locales from his misspent youth into a feature length novel.  (Read it and weep, Stavemar the ‘not so’ Forgotten.)

Chapter 7 - Pete & Bo Peep

    Pete is a Paladin sworn to aid any and all damsels in distress.  Little Bo Peep is a ten-foot tall cross-dressing Cyclops who has lost her sheep and does not know where to find them.  I think the premise speaks for itself.

Chapter 8 - A Very Special Episode

    I may hate the Rat, but even I have to admit he puts out a quality product.  And of all the things he’s done, my absolute favorite is... (hint: read the chapter.)  OK.  But then, since I am genetically incapable of keeping a secret, I will say the episode in question involves Grug, a spear, a broken vase, and the now infamous line, “Mom always said, don’t throw spears in the house.”  And then of course, there’s the Rat -- vile evil creature that he is.


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler

Brett Words

And just by-the-by, I still Dream of Jeannie, so to my mind it is the more memorable show. But to each their own, I suppose. Maybe Celli secretly has a thing for Orcs & Goblins. He talks about them enough....