Celli the Happy Go Lucky Celaphopod's

Minataur Tails

The Second Book
in the Award Winning
D-Bound Adventuring Series

Table of Contents

Book II
4 -5

Chapter 4 - On the Wings of a Dragon (Who was in no way related to Crazy George.)

    George is not The Dragon.  The Dragon is not George.  George can’t fly.  The Dragon can.  End of story.  Or rather, it’s not so much the end of the story, as the beginning, or a rebeginning, as we recap the story and reiterate that the Seven Realms are in Dire Straits... or would be, if the Dire Straits was an actual place on any map that I know of.  But then, if the name’s not in use, maybe that’s what we should call the black blight of evil that’s oozing across the Seven Realms: Dire Straits?  Catchy, huh?  Well, we’ve got to call it something.

Chapter 5 - Somewhere in a Vortex Far, Far Away...

    ...they don’t make fun of idiotic plot devices, but here at Dragon Bound Publishing, we do.  In the previous chapter Ruby and the gang rode on The Dragon’s back, checking out the evil wave of destruction that was washing across the Seven Realms as they debated whether to call it the Dire Straits or not.  In this chapter, they do a bombing run in one of those Falcon X-Wing Fighter thingies and give the NAS-gh©uls™ a flavor bomb with a little surprise.  (Still, unclear?  Of course, you are.  But then, if you weren’t, it wouldn’t be a surprise.)


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler

Brett Words

The more a rumor is contradicted, the more it sets into some folks minds.  So in an effort to play to the confusion, let me just reiterate one more time: Crazy George and The Dragon are in no way related.