
The Troll, The Myth, The Legend


Kevin Stillwater

chapter 1
# # # Prelude # # #
page 4

    Of course, so far, I have merely provided the roughest of outlines.  But even then, if you have 20, 50, or, yes, even 1,000 discs in your player, your machine will have no problem automatically selecting the appropriate ambience, feel, and images from your library.  But what if you’re running a GI six-pack?  The easiest solution would be to tag an outside call and enable an import.  But I do not want to pay any royalties (and likely, neither do you), so I will not tag any calls explicitly nor even leave a hot link dangling -- rather, I will simply insure  that any calls I had thought about making are conspicuously highlighted (((as calls I had thought about making, but ultimately did not -- a subtle but important distinction))).

    For example, I am not a Trekker, so I do not know for sure if the reference is relevant or even accurate, but I imagine that it might be.  (And in the end, your player knows of your preferences -- and what you enjoy -- far better than I).  But if you have all the original Sp@ce Tr#k episodes along with all the sequels and spin-offs loaded into your player, then it might be appropriate to imagine G’narsh as a Klang’n of sorts.  If you are familiar with their language, you may wish to incorporate appropriate Klang’n words into his speech and when appropriate into the dialog of others.  And then again, if you are not into Sp@ce Tr#k, and therefore not a Trekker, not to worry.  Nothing is lost.  There is no need to search out the reference for I will provide others.

The Troll,
The Myth,
The Legend


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler
