
The Troll, The Myth, The Legend


Kevin Stillwater

chapter 1
# # # Prelude # # #
page 5

    I can just as easily imagine a link between G’narsh and a draco-beast, a Wook-EE gone bad, or even an evil Herculean antihero.  But once again, I wish to make clear that I do not intend to establish a formal link or sub call, but rather to set a tone by paying homage to popular, readily identifiable personas and characters.  For you see, one need not co-op the name to reap the benefits of association.  Even the government issue welfare rigs recognize these informal calls.  So clearly, there is nothing subversive or underhanded in the practice.  (After all, there is a reason six slots are considered the minimum for a player, but that many dreams only come with only the one disc.  The remaining five slots are intended to be dealers choice -- and I will make no formal recommendations).

    From a creator’s perspective, however, it is important to be cognizant that one’s work may -- i.e. most definitely will -- be played concurrently alongside Lord of the Kings, a Solar Quest gaming skimmer, one or two fantasy setting hybridization discs, and a Greek Mythology Primer or two; or that it may be played with no more support than a standard Government Issue General Purpose Equalization Library (a.k.a. the GI Library).

    And, in case the later should be true, at the very least we need to lay down a working shell.  So along with his immense size and two heads, G’narsh has tough, leathery olive-grey skin, which is almost scale-like, along with long thick yellow fingernails reminiscent of claws.  His tusk-like fangs mirror the yellow of these claws as do his eyes -- which are at times bloodshot and at others a more pleasing tarnished ivory grey.  What hair he has is unimportant (color, style, or length).  And we can assume his clothes are typical of the setting and locale in which he finds himself unless otherwise noted.

The Troll,
The Myth,
The Legend


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler
