Book 4: Crazy George Takes a Holiday
Ultimately, it is possible that Book 4 will be transformed into an
interactive online environment -- a place to share stories, gossip, and
what not.
At which time, it will likely get renamed The Pub at D-Bound Publishing.
Right Now, this is just a landing page to push visitors to any of the links below.
D-Bound Dictionary (Glossary of characters, terms, and ideas for your amusement and to keep the interest of the search engines.)
(Back to the Home Page of Dragon Bound Publishing)
Book 1: The D-Bound Quartet
Book 2:
Minataur Tails (Hint: Start Here. This is the Book I'm trying to sell.)
Book 3: The
K’fr Road: To Ve’kahn and Back Again
Book 4: Crazy George Takes a Holiday (where you are)
Book 5: Rigor Pass 1866: The Manna Boom Years
© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler