- Flag raising.
- Fender bender.
- The anger of the moment.
- Child playing in a fountain.
- Such delight.
- 'Mom! Come play with me!'
- Deliriously Happy.
- Smiling so hard, my nose starts to feel funny, after awhile.
- Hard to describe.
- But by the end, it feels like I am being fake happy.
- I, probably, just need to be happy more often.

- How much money would I have to have before I'd be willing to spend $10,000,000 of it on a house?
- Dance recital.
- Not as bad as I had expected.
- I kid.
- I could do this again...
- In twenty years.

- Ann Rand, a hand exerciser, and an owl emblazoned coffee cup.
- I am very much inclined to nab the coffee cup.
- I think I will if it is there tomorrow.
- In the meantime, pictures it is.
- Nabbed the stuff.
- Coffee cup looked to have remains of days old hot chocolate in it.
- Fate.
- Stacks of the good stuff.
- What started Kevin Stillwater off.
- You know, assuming he's seen the stuff.
- In other words, some project or story awaits.
- I used to call this feeling Being Weirded Out.
- It's like the usual overlays are gone.
- More distant.
- Removed.
- I don't know what causes it.
- I've been productive these last few days.
- Maybe, my brain has had enough.
- I got myself an umbrella.
- I hope it changes my relationship to rainy weather.
- Weather on the refrigerator!
- I can't wait until the coffee pot wants to watch Breakfast at Tiffany's.
- Or that the Cultural Elite thinks the grounds taste better when it does.
- Hedgehog?
- Maybe?
- Hedgehog!
- Friend for the night?
- Or forever!
- No fair looking things up on the Internet to prove your point.
- This is a serious conversation.
- Huffington Hedgehog has found a new home.
- He will henceforth be known as Toaster.
- I have no faith in this upcoming generation.
- It's been four days since the last post, but thunder makes me want to celebrate.
- Time for a walk!
- Delightful!
- Shoes soaked through.
- But my new umbrella made it a delight.
- No rain soaked glasses.
- And I was not shivering, as I walked through the door.
- Presently, a drying umbrella fills the room.
- It's supposed to be bad luck.
- But that's how the manufacturer recommends drying it.
- To prevent mold.
- But then, it's of Chinese Manufacture.
- You don't think they are trying to get us to curse ourselves, do you?
- If so, how delightfully nefarious of them.
- Also, knock on wood...
- Or the closest fake-wood alternative.
- Raindrop Forest-Canopy Afterglow!
- A fantastic dream (or series of dreams) kept me company throughout the night.
- I wonder how much Modern Media pushes these things out of the mind.
- Whatever the case, many ----- (Nascent Ideas, might be the closest translation) died to bring me this message.
- Will it have been in vain?
- I like this weather.
- Waiting, I got to enjoy the warm breeze.
- I love lucid dreams.
- Though, the subject matter was better yesterday.
- Meme Life.
- A little baby (or adolescent) squirrel passed within six inches of my feet on the way home.
- Didn't know the route well enough to veer by much, I'm guessing.
- I love squirrels.
- The universe is giving me Bibles.
- I'm taking them.
- Lake Perch done right.
- Coleslaw, not so much.
- A delightful afternoon walk in the big city.
- Off to see Manet.
- Empty my bowels. Empty my mind.
- At least, it wasn't a Total Purge.
- Nap interrupted by Thunder.
- Quiet distant rumblings.
- Those heart-to-hearts, which no one wants to have.
- But everyone feels better for having.
- More of a Brown Out than a Black Out.
- It is very hot, outside.
- And not so much inside.
- The Planet Died for AC and other (not so much inconvenient as) little thought of truths.
- A cool breeze blows.
- A Barefoot Barbie (Doll) is saving some child's spot on the parade route.
- Fourth of July, if you must know.
- Must You?
- I mean, you just know Barbie is going to get drunk and Chuck that brick at Drum Major Ken.
- Parades have gone downhill.
- The marketers hardly try.
- Still, it's the only game in town.
- And I enjoyed.
- Didn't see Barbie.
- Wasn't nearby.
- So, no real reason I would have.
- I've never seen a pie eating contest before.
- I never need to see one again.
- Bright Holiday-Color Roman Candles are the best.

- The real news today is that I got a text, yesterday.
- And thus, another sleepless night composing the response.
- Nap.
- After nap.
- After nap.
- Fireworks!
- Pretty amazing.
- Made all the more splendid from a weakened mind brought on by heat exhaustion.
- Happy Birthday to Me!

- Three Days of Fireworks a Post Mortem.
- Day 1: Left
- I can barely remember.
- Ah, a quiet town.
- Low key music.
- Sitting on a picnic table front and center.
- Wonderful fan-spray.
- Hilltop ground effects.
- Day 3: Middle
- No band.
- Hardly a festival.
- Small town vibe.
- A shortish show, but worth the drive.
- The reflections off the lake (OK, wading pool) adding to the surrealism of it all.
- Day 2: Right
- The main event.
- Insanely hot.
- A good half-hour long show.
- With one.
- No, two.
- Over three Grand Finales.
- Awesome.
- Carnival.
- Being under the thrill ride, swinging my head with the motion.
- It's as close as I want to get.
- But I most definitely want to get that close.
- I have been composing a second text.
- It is a disease.
- Writing, it is.
- But everything I wanted to say, I said in that first text.
- And I didn't call anyone a Bozo...
- Not even once.
- Am I done with -----?
- Even if not, I am pleased with my strength of resolve.
- Someone is leaving small painted stones in the shrubbery about town.
- I presume, a church group.
- But it's just a hunch.
- Guided by proximity of locale.
- 'Do you even cry, anymore?'

- Climate Summit.
- Sit and listen.
- Things sound grim.
- I just like clapping.
- As described, Science is a Human Process...
- A Social Institution.
- I got myself a lamp.
- I like junk-pile freebies.
- I search them out on a regular basis.
- Best! Sunset! Ever!
- Writing all day.
- Medicine ball (12lb weighted shot put) sunset walk.
- First in a long time.
- Lots of clouds.
- But sort of a dud.
- No color.
- I'm spending my life writing.
- Glorious sunset, today.
- Dinner and a movie.
- Someone moved my hat and stole my seat.
- So, now we're sharing.
- It will make for an interesting day at the library.
- I won't be able to concentrate much.
- My Girl to the rescue!
- Nice rain clouds.
- No rain, yet...
- Yet.

- Beatles Sunday!
- Big Bird!
- A Hawk!
- End Round One of the Great Kalisheerena Kasbarzala Text War Battle!
- Sitting here whistling When I'm Sixty-four.
- Diesel exhaust and boat whistles.
- Tour narration.
- Moneyed names.
- Little more.
- Mediocre pizza.
- Lively conversation.
- Fudge!
- I like fudge.
- Interesting company.
- I would say I am inclined to like.
- I question whether they are.
- Fudge.
- Food High.
- It's slamming me.
- In a good way.
- Mellow happiness.
- The people you see at the DMV.
- I want LEGOs.
- But how much am I willing to spend?

- Off to the County Fair.
- Mescal's in the back seat with his Protest Placards.
- All ready to go.
- 4H!
- Goats!
- It's hot!
- Carny food.
- Surprisingly good.
- So hot.
- Baking in the stands.
- Demo Derby!
- Yeah!
- A cloudy breeze makes all the difference.
- Trailer races.
- Great fun.
- I want to.
- Smashed potatoes and steak.
- All of my favorites.
- Today was a very good day.
- My heels hurt.
- I'm standing wrong.
- But I made good progress clearing off my computer's desktop.
- A rather long telephone conversation was (likely) the most exciting thing that happened, today.
- But I'm getting writing done.
- I'm working on a new novel.
- Business Fair.
- So exciting, I forgot to record it at the time.
- Writing all day.
- Listened to a Soft Core Programming Video.
- Food Fair.
- Cut short.
- Just a little.
- Saving my legs for the Renaissance Faire, tomorrow.
- Renaissance Faire.
- Let the fantasy begin!
- Money is on my mind.
- It will fade quickly.
- I remember the tempura being better.
- But food.
- Drink.
- And a place to sit in the shade.
- So hot.
- Early day.
- Nice day.
- Let's fight.
- After all, yesterday was such a lovely day.
- Lottery Losses!
- At least I had a good day writing.
- When propping up your computer, it's important to get the right size book.
- I'm going to get me some free games.
- The Book Thief is the name of the book I first put my hands upon after the lady before me at the free stacks nabbed what looks to be an awesome book.
- Half size notebook.
- 1.25" thick.
- Maybe more.
- Grid pages.
- The loss is not so keen if all the pages are blank, as it looked.
- But if half full?
- What an interesting find!
- I have desire.
- The one that got away.
- And then, I'd page through it once.
- And throw it away.
- I'm watching her at the shredder.
- Do you see the importance for me?
- I wish to consume that book.
- If not in The Real, then however I can.
- It's odd how I somehow believe a random notebook might be more compelling than the bestseller before me.
- Days.
- And days.
- Airshow practice.
- Beats out Japanese Barbecue for lunch...
- As being worthy of mention.
- Feast day.
- Another round.
- Music in the park.
- I feel compelled to report.
- Heathens!
- Praise Be!
- Shadow Dancer!
- Miss Purse and Mr Water Bottle.
{Even though I have not worked on this idea in the slightest, I very much like it as a gimmick. Instead of a couple (or as the couple), we have Hat & Purse... doing whatever it is that Hats & Purses do... so, like, Internet Personalities... or Cartoon Characters.)
- Free Movie.
- Free Popcorn.
- His latest may well be his greatest.
- Pizza.
- Custard.
- And another movie.
- Finished the game.
- Let's program some more stats and charts.
Days go by...
- Hey, this was worthy of mention.
- Laying down for nap time.
- And I got the visions.
- It's like looking at the world through closed eyes.
- First, eyelids.
- Then, a hazy landscape as if out a car window.
- It went on.
- But I forget.
- Enough visions and...
- Well, I'd always want to be able to see other things.
- A pair of necklaces arranged in a square.
- Art before the art show.
I'm slowing down.
My entries are becoming less frequent.
My entries are becoming less frequent.
- He gave cookies to the children.
- I presume a friend of the family.
- As a way of bonding, no doubt.
- Countless cookies over the course of a childhood.
- Yesterday (or was it the day before), someone got creamed by a train.
- Happens all the time.
- Today, someone fell out a window.
- Maybe, it was a balcony.
- I don't know the full story.
- There's a humor there.
- Raw.
- Unhidden.
- Feel free to laugh, if tomorrow I die.
- Fine, then!
- Let's live today like it's our Last Day On Earth.
- So, lunch, then?
- Apparently, on my Last Day On Earth, I'd buy lottery tickets.
- Go figure.
- I found myself a soup kitchen.
- I know, decadence.
- I won a blue tooth speaker!
- I would have rather won the lottery.
- Already, gave it away.
- Silly security guards.
- They look like shoplifters to me.
- No, I could never prove a thing.
- So, not my problem.
- I had fun taking video clips.
- I want to work effects on them.
- Multiple single shots might be cleaner.
- We'll see.
- I wrote; and then, watched a movie.
- That pretty much sums up my day.
- Jazz, baby!
- Char fried fish.
- I got the octopus.
- Dar.
- Dar.
- Dar.
- One must listen in.
The blank spaces represent new days. But sometimes (almost always), there is more than one day per blank space, most days having no entry.