Let Us Begin
- Lots of men talking business.
- Sounding more impressive than they are.
- Would be Kardashian sitting next to me.
- The type has been pointed out to me.
- So, now I recognize the type.
- And she's the type.
- I wonder if Kim (are there others) puts her Army of Imitators to good use?
- Travel...
- And a show.
- All with a positive vibe.
- Maybe, that's not clear.
- They did modern dance on the train, looking for tips.
- A for Effort.
- That's about it.
- No one even looked.
- They're sick of it.
- I'm making notes of everything I change.
- So, I can change it all back.
Even on Airplane Mode, the iPhone already knew about the Time Zone Change. Android did not. Ergo, Airplane Mode on the iPhone is not silent.
Flight In
Flight Out
For whatever reason, I find satisfaction in recording data points. After all, that's another way of regarding these posts... as self-selected data points in one man's life.
Flight Out
For whatever reason, I find satisfaction in recording data points. After all, that's another way of regarding these posts... as self-selected data points in one man's life.

- I've found the couch!
- And the Internet!!
- Paperwork never goes away.
- Work done.
- Time to lay.
- Not play.
- That comes tomorrow.
- Shot pictures of textures.
- Hopefully, they'll look like parchment.
- Or something suitably cool.

- Off to catch the bus.
- No!
- Sorry!
- Not without my chocolate.
- Now, it's off for a later bus.
- And a much more leisurely walk.
- Train pictures.
- For a future Image Smear effect, so not shown here.
- Some of the best Sweet & Sour Pork in the World.
- Perhaps, the best.
- Chinatown knows Chinese Food.
- Not that this Haole likes Real Chinese Food.
- Durian (it's a fruit) is not in season.
- So I got a Passion Fruit Slushie, instead.
- Eating like a king.
- Ha!
- I missed the first bus going back for my chocolate.
- I brought five squares.
- I'll be bringing four and a half home.
- I don't think God cares whether I kneel or not.
- Art Galleries.
- In search of inspiration.
- Sorry, scratch that.
- Customers.
- Jonesing on Jones St.
- It's called The Tenderloin, Baby.
- Going the wrong way on the train for a few stops, so I can sit for the long haul.
- Didn't need to bother.
- Man, I'm tired.
- My leg bones ache.
- It's supposed to get crazy hot today.
- I am disinclined to drive.
- But there are errands to run.
- Couch surfing.
- What is it like to sit in this chair.
- What is it like to sit in that chair.
- Certain rooms make me feel much better about myself.
- I'm taking pictures of textures, these days.
- I'll get to the Typewriter Project sooner or later.
- Digitally created images that look like photographs of typewritten notes.

- My first time on this train.
- Odd, how resistant to paying for buses and such I was in my younger years.
- Entering The Wall of Fog!
- Ocean!
- Well, sand.
- I'm going to let the ocean come to me.
- Much graffiti on the sea wall.
- A solitary walk in the forest.
- You know, except for the wild dogs.
- Dogs there.
- I'll go here.
- As I walk, I am now deep in a what if.
- A Reconstructive Personal History.
- Open liquor would appear to be legal.
- Tired in the park.
- The entries are more numerous towards the start.
- I'm trying to solve the Easy Money Question.
- Probably, never will.
- Electrical component art.
- And they are trying to erase it.
- 'It's the belt.'
- 'It's the belt that always gets me in trouble.'
- So says the crazy man.
- I'm in the Haight.
- Do I want a weighted rugby ball?
- Questions.
- Questions.
- Is 'chewy' water a bad sign?
- Pearl Jam Concert Poster Gallery Display.
- A nice End of Day find.
- And awesome work.
- Free Bird!
- Let's end the day on a down note.
- And reflect on my predisposition to incorrectly add small numbers together.

- A lazier start.
- Have I selected the right shoes.
- Comfortable?
- Or those proven to be blisterless?
- Ah, breathe deep that second hand toke.
- Motorcycles more interesting than the bridge.
- It still smells of exhaust.
- The ----- Sailboat.
- Or one of them.
- I avoid using -----.
- I found myself a rocking chair.
- Breakfast at the Bowling Alley.
- I'll have mine with guard rails, please!
- I found a fire.
- I don't really need a fire.
- But I found a fire.
- Feel that breeze.
- Poor old dog is going blind.
- Can't find his ball.
- The convention has ever been...
- If you back in, you're selling.
- MTS.
- The Notorious.
- The length of writing (in these notes) is likely highly correlated with the length of walking.
- On down days, I often don't write, at all.
- The top of the hill.
- Pure & Simple.
- They put tennis courts on the top of the world.
- Why ----- is still on the street, you got me.
- The Train Dancers cleaned up this time.
- Just changed seats away from the Mr Robot / Goth Guy I was sitting next to.
- Nothing wrong with him.
- But we had an uneasy truce.
- Or I don't know.
- I never felt like he acknowledged my existence.
- Or something.
- New seat.
- And the new guy that just sat down has his back to me, facing the aisle.
- So, what are you going to do?
- Orchard Girl sat next to Orchard Guy.
- Unrelated.
- And then, God's Country started playing.
- This is a fun train ride!
- Dead Tired!
- Just the way I like it.
- I becomes We on the 'morrow.
- So, a bit of laundry and other light housekeeping.
The Spirit of the Forest
Do You See Him?