Embracing the Smile That Is This Moment


Ian Black


I am Blue


    To reduce the number of things which you own and your attachment to them, simply pick a number (any number); and then,  proceed to sort through your possessions and discard items until you are left with only that number of items.  Whether it takes you a day, a week, or a year to accomplish this process is not important.
    Once you have reduced your belonging to this first, intermediate number of things, then all you must do then is to cut the number in half, and repeat the process once again.
    And then again.
    And again.
    Until all that you are left with is this moment.
    And then finally, once you have given away even this moment and have nothing in this word to call your own, you will suddenly discover that the universe awaits, and all is yours.

    All in this case being nothing.

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This Very Moment

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