Cliff Hanger's

My Hawaii

You Got to Start Somewhere
But depending on where you start
Sometimes, that somewhere is not anywhere, at all.

For all his lightheartedness, it would appear Cliff Hanger was meticulously organized when it came to writing.

At the start of this notebook (which I actually believe was the second one he wrote, so clearly I do not share his compulsion for order), Cliff wrote the following:

    NAME: followed by a brief description and introductory joke.  Shooting for 5 lines or 50 words (but Anne’s at 15 & 200 is satisfactory)Joke is key.  Whatever it takes to hit.
    (Kami, Kimo, [37] heckling)

And of this, there are only two items I wish to make note before getting to the story:
And now, without further ado, I give you the first Character Sketch in the notebook.  Oddly, it's not the entry for himself (or Thirty Seven), but rather, for Crazy Anne.  So, make of that what you will.  (And yes, I shall post the entries in the order in which they appear in the notebook.  There is better flow that way, as often as not, one calls to the next or makes mention of some previous note.

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