Kevin Stillwater’s

three layers of


reflecting on nothing

Chapter One
Multiple Choice Test Questions

Sample questions for the serious student and/or the lazy teacher.

1-1: Writers are _____.
    A) Good guys.
    B) In need of a hug.
    C) Outlaw bikers.
    D) Liars.

1-2: Lily is _____.
    A) Totally hot.
    B) Babelicious.
    C) One of those sexy Polynesian half breeds.
    D) All of the above.
    E)  All of the above and then some.  Hubba.  Hubba.

1-3: At one point Lily laughs at Levi.  This is because, _____.
    A) Levi is one funny guy.
    B) Lily is a pushover and will laugh at anything.
    C) Levi has certain... um, ahem... shortcomings.
    D) It made her nervous -- the whole... thing.

1-4: Levi is named after?
    A) An Old Testament prophet.
    B) This guy I met once, who was coincidentally named after an Old Testament prophet.
    C) A flood control device.
    D) There’s a guy named Levi in the story?
    E)  An article of clothing.

1-4-A: Kevin Stillwater is Levi’s _____.
    A) Brother.
    B) Friend.
    C) Second cousin twice removed.
    D) Creator.
    E) Fictional construction and/or avatar.

1-5: Kevin Stillwater rides a _____.
    A) Snorting stallion.
    B) Trained Anterian wildebeast (i.e. a Hog).
    C) A rice burner with suicide bars.
    D) A motorcycle.
    E) Whatever the hell he wants to ride!!!
    F) Whatever the hell I want to ride!!!!!!  (Whose reading/writing this story anyhow?)

1-6: All work and no play makes Levi _____.
    A) Happy.  Monks are into that hard work for no Earthly reward thing.
    B) Tired, but he would be just as tired if he played, so I don’t know what he’s griping about.
    C) Didn’t somebody already use that line?  Isn’t that plagiarism or something?
    D) Homage.  I believe the word you are looking for is homage.
    E) All work and no play makes you RICH!  Ka-ching!
    F) But then monks are vowed to poverty, so the correct answer would be angry -- very, very, angry.

1-7: Pain is the universe’s way of reminding you that _____.
    A) It’s time to write your mother.
    B) Time waits for no man.
    C) Fiddle-le-dee and dum-de-do.
    D) You are still alive.

1-8: Who is getting married?
    A) Levi
    B) Lily
    C) Lily’s second cousin
    D) Who really knows, who really cares, but a party’s a party.

1-8A: Daisy is _____?
    A) A flower.
    B) A flower-child.
    C) Lily’s younger sister.
    D) The first flower related name I could come up with.
    E) A good excuse for a party.
    F) Totally and completely unimportant to the story.

1-9: three layers of Transparency has how many principle levels of resolution?
    A) One
    B) Two
    C) Three
    D) Four... maybe more

1-9A: Poetry is _____?
    A) Like music to my ears.
    B) A good way to get to second base.
    C) Often misunderstood.
    D) The Disco music of the literary world.

1-10: Turning water into wine is _____?
    A) A neat parlor trick.
    B) A good way to save on your grocery bill.
    C) A sure way to be a hit at any party.
    D) Not recommended in the desert.
    E) Just the tip of the iceberg.

1-10A: To make jungle juice you must _____.
    A) Ferment lilikoi pods whole in the fruit for a fortnight.
    B) Add a little of this.
    C) And a touch of that.
    D) Before sweetening to taste.
    E) Recall that there is no psychotropic more powerful than the chemicals already present in your own brain, and that once trained, there is nothing that your mind cannot do.

1-X-A: Many of the characters are barefooted, because _____.
    A) Shoes are expensive, and the budget doesn’t allow for much in the way of wardrobe.
    B) Being... um, ahem... large and oversized, they can’t find shoes that fit.
    C) The author is compulsively avoiding an “if the shoe fits, wear it” metaphor.
    D) It is an allusion to the afterlife.
    E) Because that’s how the story goes.  Deal with it.

1-X-B: The minimum writing requirement at the Monastery is _____ pages per day.
    A) There is no minimum requirement, only a maximum.
    B) One on Monday, two on Tuesday, three on Wednesday, and so on.
    C) Come now.  Rules such as these are beneath us.
    D) One.  The answer is one complete well written page.  No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

1-X-C: The author routinely overshoots the minimum writing requirement, because _____.
    A) He lives in an oppressive, totalitarian literary commune and he is afraid of being lashed at the rate of one stroke per missing word if he fails to meet his quota.
    B) The man is just wordy.  Look.  He can’t even write a simple answer to an unimportant practice test question without rambling on.
    C) He’s not really overshooting the requirement.  On different days, he receives differently sized pieces of paper.
    D) He likes to write.

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