Kevin Stillwater’s

three layers of


reflecting on nothing

Only, why would anyone call this chapter Levi?

    Under the moon,
    Under the stars,
    Only Levi remains

    Or should that be levee?  Only the levee remains?
    Kevin knows that his mind will hang on that word, stumble over that phrase, and focus on that last line of the poem for the next several days.   
Damn!  If only he could remember these things clearer.  If only the visions didn’t fade... so soon.

    Kevin gathers himself together and stands up.  Sometimes that helps.  He closes his eyes and falls into his mind.  It is easy enough to do.  The last remnants of his dream are still there idly hanging about, awaiting his return.
    He sees a seaside villa done in a gaudy, resurgent, neo-Mediterranean style.  It could be in Italy or the South of France, but it is in Hawaii.  He sees it being occupied by a group of orange robed monks.  They could be devotees of some esoteric Buddhist sect, but it is a cut scene from the future and their religion is aesthetics... or is it esthetics?  Damn those complicated words.
    Even so, before his thoughts -- or his words -- can get in the way and cause the vision to fade for good, he sees a girl... What was her name?  But, no.  That is the wrong tense.  What is her name? 
    And then the vision does fade.  Nothing more will come... Her name is Lily.  Simply Lily -- pure, sweet, and simple.

    After a moment -- an eternity alone in the void -- Kevin opens his eyes and looks for his clothes.  He finds only his jeans.  No boots.  No shirt.  He’s not sure where he lost them... or when.  How many days ago?  How many states?
    Kevin checks the pockets.  They are empty.  He had hoped for... something.  But what are you going to do?

    Once again, Kevin closes his eyes.  Once again, I close my eyes.  And if you are of the mind, once again, you may close your eyes as well... for here nothing is to be feared, and nothing is forced... or compulsory.
Make your own way.
Take your own choice.
    Standing naked -- clothes in hand -- feel the cool desert breeze on your face as it blows across your cheeks and plays with your hair.  Notice the sandy gravel between your toes and the rough desert floor beneath the heels of your feet.  Realize that your body is slightly bigger, slightly stronger, and slightly... longer.  While a -- suitable -- proportion has been added to your girth.
    Yes.  Feel the wind snake between your legs... and around your thighs.  Smile.  Know that you are bigger, that you are better, that you are stronger... and that you will last longer too.  Such endurance.  Such magnificence.

    It is time to open your eyes.
    In the east the sky grows pale.  The dawn has come, and the moon slowly sets. 
It is time to find your bike and leave this place before the heat of the day overtakes it... bakes it... and desecrates it... or is that desiccates it?

    Under the moon,
    Only Levi remains

    Or should that be levee?
    No it is Levi, the name of one of those monks, but then that is a different story.  Yes... a totally different story altogether.

    For Kevin Stillwater, for you, and for I... Now it is time for us to slip into our clothes, suit up for the day, and be on our way...
    Or to turn a hackneyed phrase, it is now time to make the most of this beautiful day... and/or our all too brief stay.



© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler