Celli the Happy Go Lucky Celaphopod's

Minataur Tails

The Second Book
in the Award Winning
D-Bound Adventuring Series

Table of Contents

The Appendixes

The After Hours Story Appendixes

    It’s almost like getting a bonus book thrown in for free -- you know, if you hadn’t already paid for it.  Unlike this TOC, which is completely free if you know where to look for it...

Appendix D - Party Preparations

    Tired from her adventures, Ruby makes her way home where we join her while she takes another one of those Hazen Crots baths -- mainly so we can get in some last minute marketing.  And in case I haven’t made this clear before, Ruby takes her baths fully clothed these days.  Perhaps that’s because I have a nasty habit of walking in on her... or maybe that’s just because that’s how those Hazen Crots baths work.  I mean, how else are you supposed to clean your clothes?

Appendix E - The Red Carpet

    There was a cast party.  Malted milks were served.  I may have had one too many.  Things were said that were later regretted.  The tabloids ate it up.  The story stayed in the headlines for weeks to come.  Some may call it unsavory.  Some may call it a sign of the times.  Personally, I call it free marketing.

Appendix F - The Party

    Any excuse for a party is a good enough excuse for me.  Though, I’d learned my lesson and stayed away from the malted milks this time.

Appendix G - The Dragon Bound Vortex Give Away

    What to do with a spare vortex no longer needed at the end of a story arc?  Give it away.  That’s what I say.

Appendix H - The Players

    In which we thank the small players, the folks that made it all happen, except for those Hobblings -- still hate those Hobblings.

Appendix I - This book comes with the Sm©rk™, Happy Ending Seal of Approval

    It’s true.  It does.

Appendix J - Dragon Bound Classifieds

    Or in other words, here at Dragon Bound Publishing, paid advertising comes first, last, and everywhere in between.  Send me money, and if the price is right, I’ll find a way to put you and/or your product in the next edition.  I mean, how do you think Minataur Tails doubled in size from the 1st to 22nd edition, anyhow?  It’s not like the base story changed.  So, send gold.  I can be bought.

As can the publishing rights for Minataur Tails in the Earth vortex.
For further information regarding this exciting franchise opportunity, please contact:

© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler

The following link leads to the main download page for all of the Dragon Bound Books. So if you're looking to complete your collection of limited edition Drag©n B©und C©llectibles, you could do worse than starting there. Of course, I'm about as organized as Celli these days (knew I never should have read K'fr Road, so there's lots of little stuff scattered elsewhere here and there across the site. Like this TOC, for instance. For whatever reason, I still don't think I have a hard link from the main D-B©und page to this TOC. And now that I've mentioned that I don't, I just might never will...

Minataur Tails
the webpage

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Or if looking for more free chapters, might I recomend reading the first chapter of
Suki Kamasutri: Queen of the Galactic Frontier
by Eddie Takosori

© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler

Brett Words

Minataur Tails: written by Celli the Happy Go Lucky Celaphopod, translated to English by Brett Paufler, published in the Earth Vortex by... well, that could be you.