Celli the Happy Go Lucky Celaphopod's

Minataur Tails

The Second Book
in the Award Winning
D-Bound Adventuring Series

Table of Contents

Book III
2 - 3 - 4

Chapter 2
Live to Ride -- Ride to Live
(or is it)
Live to Shop -- Shop to Live
(or maybe it’s)
Live to Sell -- Sell to Live

    Paul -- of Paul’s House of Pancake Ingredients -- is a dear sweet friend of mine who sends me a cross-promotional royalty check on a fairly regular basis.  So, this one’s for you Paul: an entire chapter devoted to buying Pancake Ingredients at Paul’s House thereof.  (And they said it couldn’t be done.  Ha!  Pay me enough and I’ll write about anything.)

Chapter 3 - A Little Gem of a Chapter

    Short, sweet, and to the point.  The author may have indulged in a wee-bit of the K’fr whilst crafting this magnificent tome... and at times it shows.  Not so much in this chapter, but it’s there.  You have been forewarned.  Anyway, as a sort of lost-effort containment practice and because he’s sick and tired of his characters doing whatever they want anyhow, Celli just sort of hands control of the plot to Ruby at this point.  And since telling a good yarn is actually a lot harder than I make it seem, I suspect there might be some sort of steep learning curve involved.

Chapter 4 - Zeppelin’s of Lead & Other Ill-Conceived Atrocities of Heavy Metal Fame (a.k.a. A Short Commuter Flight)

    And of course, by the aforementioned steep learning curve, I mean, one little aeronautical mistake and our hearty adventures find themselves falling to their death like the proverbial band of rocks.


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler

Brett Words

Note: if you're wondering how you, too, could become a dear sweet friend of Celli's, you just might to look to Paul, his pancake house thereof, and that cross-promotion royalty check that he sends along on a fairly regular basis, just saying.