Celli the Happy Go Lucky Celaphopod's

Minataur Tails

The Second Book
in the Award Winning
D-Bound Adventuring Series

Table of Contents

Book II
16 - 17

Chapter 16 - Here Now the News

    It’s odd sometimes how you can read a chapter and then read it again and still have no idea what it’s about.   Or I suppose, it’s just odd to me.  My editor says he feels that way all the time and has come to expect it from my writing.

Chapter 17 - Today’s D©©m: Bringing You the Gl©©my News First

    As melodramatic and suspenseful to the reader as it might be to allow the NAS-gh©uls™ to continue their vortex leveling rampage towards Mt D©©m, a lot of innocent folks could get hurt that way; and then, Ruby might have a hard time finding said bad guys.  So being the good sports that they are, the NAS-gh©uls™ agreed to wait for Ruby at her parents’ house on the condition they could eat all the pancakes they wanted whilst they waited.


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler

Brett Words

Ruby's mom makes great pancakes.  She's also an exceptional hairstylist.  Be sure to drop by her salon whenever you're in town.  And if you tell her 'Celli sent me!' she'll either knock 10% off your bill or run you out of town.  (Individual results may vary.)