Celli the Happy Go Lucky Celaphopod's

Minataur Tails

The Second Book
in the Award Winning
D-Bound Adventuring Series

Table of Contents

Book II - Getting Dizzy

Book II - Getting Dizzy

    Wherein the story sort of spins out of control and some of the characters get to go to Dizzy Land, so it’s sort of a pun.  True.  Not a very funny pun.  But then, I find that very few puns actually are.

Appendix B - The Ranting Part II

    In which the author relates his experiences at Con-in-my-Head, while simultaneously explaining the vast differences between his characters -- the NAS-gh©uls™ -- and anything that overrated JR Huff ‘n Puff guy might have come up with.  Really, if I could go back in time and publish my work before him, I would.  And then, I’d be the one suing that untalented poser of a hack for copyright infringement!  That would show him!


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler

Brett Words

Hey, you just published an award winning fantasy novel, what are you going to do next.  I'm going to Dizzy Land... and collect a fat cross marketing royalty check, that's what I'm going to do.  Man, I love that rat..