Celli the Happy Go Lucky Celaphopod's

Minataur Tails

The Second Book
in the Award Winning
D-Bound Adventuring Series

Table of Contents

Book 1
6 - 7 -8

Chapter 6 - Professionalism

    Jeannette Stevens -- Elf, anchor woman, possible future mother of my children -- has like this giant crush on me.  It’s shameless.  Anyhow, she clearly has a hard time concentrating whenever I’m around, so I pretty much have to cover for her during the entire news broadcast, which is why this particular chapter seems so pointless.

Chapter 7 - The Hard Part is Making it Look Easy

    In which the N@z-Gh©uls are introduced as the story’s major nemeses?  Or should that be, nemisi?  I guess algebra isn’t the only thing I should have paid more attention to in school.  Anyway, the N@z-Gh©uls are on a rampage.  They killed a bunch of Sm©rks™ and Tr©ll-Tr©lls™, which no one will ever miss.  But then, the pertinent point is that they’re on a killing spree, so who knows who or what will be next?  Clearly, someone has to stop them.  And this being a Dragon Bound Adventure, that someone will be Ruby, Consort to The Dragon... because basically, that’s what being Consort to The Dragon is all about -- that and going to snazzy end of book parties.

Chapter 8 - A Rare Moment of Silence

    Unlike the rest of the story, in this here chapter, the author breaks the fourth wall and talks directly to the audience.  That would be me (quite literally, standing in the spotlight), talking to you (wherever you might be, probably in some dank dark hole, but that’s just a guess, so I could be wrong).  There’s also a Sm©rk™ involved, but as he doesn’t have a talking role, he’s more like a prop and there’s probably little point in mentioning the poor guy here. 


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler

Brett Words

Please Note: all death, destruction, and mayhem as portrayed in the D-B©und Series is accomplished by the prodigious use of smoke, mirrors, and comic subterfuge and should in no way be taken seriously.