
The Troll, The Myth, The Legend


Kevin Stillwater

chapter 3
# # # And Here Now Our Story - G’narsh’s Ray’s  # # #
page 10

    Eventually a testy G’narsh snorts out, “Nadia is short again.”

    But Flicker dances about amused and unconcerned and Flippantly responds, “Nadia is always short, but at three feet, she’s pretty tall for a fairy.”

    G’narsh cannot help but level both of his heads at Flicker and growl at the (((so called))) joke.  He is in no mood.

    Undeterred, having warmed (((get it?))) to the idea of  a conversation, Flicker tries again, “So Nadia’s account is off?”

    “Yes,” G’narsh growls; but even as he does, his arms move -- almost against his will -- to sooth Nadia, for she has shifted in her sleep, her dreams having taking a turn at the sound of her name.

    “And that bothers you?” Flicker asks as her eyebrows flash bright with curiosity and her presence eats away at the candle -- consuming it that much quicker (((a metaphor for something, I’m told))).

    “Yes,” G’narsh replies again as he fights down a desire to pinch out the flame and wonders how much snow it would take to flood the ovens... and if he could do it before Flicker torched the place.

The Troll,
The Myth,
The Legend

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First Page of G'narsh


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler
