
The Troll, The Myth, The Legend


Kevin Stillwater

chapter 3
# # # And Here Now Our Story - G’narsh’s Ray’s  # # #
page 6

    In an effort to break free from the demons that assail him (figuratively speaking, of course), G’narsh bounces the gold coin he has been playing with on the table and watches as it lands in a shot glass.  He has seen college students do this as a prelude to getting hammered, to getting so drunk that they need no assistance from Lane to go bouncing out the door on their own.  Sometimes they don’t get very far... and it is a cold one (((out there))) tonight. 

    Action! G’narsh suddenly decides  That’s what he needs to do.  Take some action!  Do something, anything, to break the cycle of murderous thoughts circling around in his head.

    “Charlie,” G’narsh yells to the cobalts still cleaning the lower deck, “When you’re done with the floors, take a walk around the block and see if anyone could use a spot by the fire tonight.”

    “Right-o boss man,” a lone Charlie responds -- speaking for all -- as the song the cobalts sing changes to, “We’re going to sweep the walk.  We’re going to sweep the walk,” which would sound nice and pleasant if it wasn’t sung to the tune of an ancient war chant that told the tale of a dour-dwarf who operated a mine and was always on the lookout for more slaves due to his harsh treatment of them (((i.e. the ones he had never lasted long)))).  So, think A 100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall reworked into 21 Slaves in a Pit by a sociopath tune-smith and/or psychotic song-writer.

    Twenty-one slaves in a pit,
    Twenty-one slaves in a pit,
    Take one out, bash it about,
    One less slave to worry about.

The Troll,
The Myth,
The Legend

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First Page of G'narsh


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler
