
The Troll, The Myth, The Legend


Kevin Stillwater

chapter 3
# # # And Here Now Our Story - G’narsh’s Ray’s  # # #
page 2

    On top of all that (making his unease all the more difficult to understand), the time of day leans in his favor -- Son of Chaos that he is.  It is late at night -- so late, in fact, that one might want to call it very early morning instead.  And G’narsh knows that he should be calm and relaxed, but he is not.  The first troubling fact is that Lane’s post by the front door is empty... again.  She disappeared -- like she has been doing for months now -- the moment the doors closed for the night.  She hasn’t said where she’s been going and, well, being polite -- and discrete -- G’narsh has not asked.  But, he should not have to ask.  He is her liege!  She has sworn an oath!

    G’narsh’s temper flares at these thoughts as he unconsciously forms a fist.  He has a sudden desire to talk -- that’s what the humans in these parts call it.  He has a sudden desire to talk with Lane, a simple conversation, wherein he might inquire as to where she has been going, and what she has been doing, while he gouged an eye, landed a (((well placed))) punch or two, and held an arm, or two, or three, or four behind her back (for she has several).

The Troll,
The Myth,
The Legend

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First Page of G'narsh


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler
