
The Troll, The Myth, The Legend


Kevin Stillwater

chapter 2
# # # A Little Back Story to Set the Future in Place  # # #
page 1

    In a college town deep in the North Country, there used to be a restaurant called Ray’s Pizza that G’narsh came upon in his wanderings.  It was for sale, and seeing the irony in it all, G’narsh decided to buy the place and change the name to G’narsh’s Ray’s Pizza and Handyman Services.  G’narsh had intended the sign to be (in part at least) an advertisement for a home repair business that he had been thinking about starting, but in all the years he has been here, no one has ever asked him to replace a storm door let alone remodel their kitchen or retile their shower.  Most locals have simply taken the wording of the sign to be some kind of secret code, as if it was another way of saying “adventuring services available here,” but -- believe it or not -- that hadn’t been G’narsh’s intent.

    It was perhaps easy for the locals to come to this misunderstanding, because at G’narsh’s -- as the college kids called the place -- cobalts did the cooking and cleaning, gutter fairies did the waitressing, and a four armed creature from the Courts of Chaos itself -- one Lady Lane -- worked the door and whenever required acted as the bouncer as well.  Due to her imposing size, professional wrestler physique, and a reputation that proceeded her, she was seldom required to actually bounce anyone out the door.  And in her opinion this was a genuine pity, for bouncing was a duty she took quite literally.  The relative inelasticity of humans making the chore all the more challenging and thereby rewarding.

The Troll,
The Myth,
The Legend

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First Page of G'narsh


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler
