Vision Quest
Ghostly Aura Photo Effect
Island Dreams
Photos with a Twist
My home away from home.
With all the amenities of home.
Plus some...
I'd gone 'native'.
I'd gone 'wild'.
Maybe, I'd gone a little too far,
stir crazy.
Like a bird in a cage.
Oh, it was a nicely appointed cage.
With ALL the amenities of home.
I'd gone there to work.
Bring progress to the savages.
Not that they needed any help taking what they wanted.
In the market, you could get anything you wanted...
Except for a little peace, salvation...
That way was closed..
They didn't want progress.
Rolling through paradise.
Never realizing the traffic jams meant it was already there...
They just hadn't gotten the memo...
Probably my fault.
Gotten behind in my work.
Let it pile up.
So when they came,
And went,
Like thieves in the night,
mucking up...
The works...
There was nothing to be done.
Except maybe havea good laugh if you wanted.
The jungle had won.
And I knew the jungle...
would always win.
So, I slunk back.
And flew.
Far away.
Until all I could remember of the place
was how it might have been
if only if.
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