The Diary Project


The Fairie Lands
--new beginnings--

Feet in front, in my easy chair, looking at my computer setup
This was The Inside.

Yellow Brick Apartment Facade with attached mechanical room
This was The Outside.

Front Porch and Upper Story (Crows Nest) peaking out from behind a verdant forest
And I Traded It All For This!

June 2022: The Diary Project

The early bird...

One for every limb seems like a fair enough bargain to me. No qualifiers. I only have so many years left. And I can go guerilla, if needs be. I might need some (gentle) reminding. But I hope (/like to think and/or believe), my word is good.

{And this just won't work. It was a new Oak Sapling for every Oak Limb I cut. But The Oaks really aren't doing that well. There are tons of dead limbs (dozens-upon-dozens per tree) most of which are coming down, the removal of which will aid the trees (I am told), and the real truth (as far as I can tell) is that The Oaks are missing an under-story more so than the next generation. The next generation is already in the ground. But The Old Ones are dying, because they cannot stand alone. They need the under-story... or at least, to not be on the edge of the forest.}

I almost lost my End of Page Cheat Sheet. Eh, maybe I'll leave it in this time... comment it out or something.

Sunrise Ridge

COTTAGE: The Grassy Knolls (turf grass pathways), The Borderlands (back fence-line), and The Second Order (under-story trees). {It turns out, out in The Wilds, there is an utter lack of under-story trees.}

All The's.

Cottage Life: Looking Good! Fingers Crossed!

COTTAGE: Beyond The Borderlands wind chime bells can be heard.

We are intending to buy a house, Sweeties & Me. Closing is a long week plus away.

∈: East Enders! {The Symbol (i.e. ∈) should be reversed... well, from my side, from how I see it.}

20-979: Split Decision. Don't really care. Sucks to be caught in The Bureaucratic Nightmare.

20-1009: A review isn't really a review unless it (when necessary) is a full review. One May review to see if a review is warranted. But once review is warranted, a review isn't really a review unless all further steps (in the review process) are taken. In other words, given YES, NO, or MAYBE, YES & NO can be definitive, but MAYBE always requires further investigation until a Definitive YES or NO is reached.

20-1009: Why not public defenders for all?

Flying Saucer as optical projection of Trans-Galactic Telescope.

Buying a house (or so is the plan), Sweeties & Me. But there has been a bit of a hiccup. So, I sit. And we wait. I hope not for long.

20-1800: No Red Flags Were Raised. A Unanimous Court. One wonders how the case got this far. Here's the controlling concept (as I see it), Religion cannot be held against someone (anyone); thus, IF (and it's a big IF) another argument would prevail The Religious Argument may stand in it's steed; and then (because I would give no right to Organized Religion that I would not give to Personal Religion: i.e. Philosophy), an exclusion for any, logically becomes an exclusion for all.

Brett's Botulism: Food Brand

Three Tornado Sirens!
Full-Sky Thunder-Pop Lightning!
Very much like artillery or close-by firecracker.

Four Sirens (and counting)!
In bathroom. Three walls between me and upwind. Of course, one of those walls has a lot of glass. So, the weak path is: Glass Sliding Door → Cheap Interior Door → Cheap Interior Door... with 20-' between aforementioned buffering layers.
Though, there's a closet next to the bathroom, so like two walls there.

I wander around quite a bit... to the window, mostly.
My pockets are full of loot. But it's a lazy haul: 2 Wallets, 2 Phones, and 2 Pair Glasses. Not much else.

Pretty quiet, right now.
Seems like it's past...

21-12: I don't see how Post Election Contributions can be interpreted as anything but corruption. Clearly, they buy nothing but favour, as the election (by definition) has already been decided.

21-12: Bribery is (or at least, should not be) a protected form of Speech.

21-328: I hate arbitration. But no new problems were created here.

Agreement, once more.

COTTAGE: Money is Money. But it looks solved... hand-able. The house is 75 Years Old... needs some love... well, lots of love. But I feel confident (or at least, highly optimistic) that we can handle.

19-896: My total lack of concern, empathy, or caring is both staggering and overpowering. In other news, I just don't care.

20-322: Open The Borders! Of course, that is not what this case is about. And in regards to this case, I have a one-word response: Denied!

20-493: I view it as a Punch-Hole Provision (much like my view on The Religious Exemption Issue): If there exists any such right for any such reason, it must also be granted to this/these groups, as well; and as such, I would grant to all, all of the time. I'm not big on Selectively Restricted Legislation.

Almost Wife!

The House That Daddy Bought

Someone got a ring, yesterday.

Halfway through the move, between days, between truck rentals, sitting in front of the AC cooling off. It's nice to be tired from an honest day's work... with much more of that to come.

Moving! In the truck.

The Fairie Lands: Shall Father's Day be known as Founders Day?

Learn a House!

Lots doing. Putting the house together. Puttering. One thing getting in the way of the next, as we work towards milestone achievements.

Ah, it would be great to be young again: young, but in control... not ridden by hormones.

It's quiet; and then, the road in the far distance... singing an anti-siren song.

COTTAGE: Best to assume most entries share this tag.

The Crow's Nest: Up in the office, where the computers and WIFI go.

Sanctuary → Retreat → *best to look up a few synonyms* → Haven → Lost Haven... and we're still not that much closer

The Dead Pine Tree, which was leaning over the house has been removed. There were a handful of major (and more than a handful of minor) projects which needed immediate attention; and this was one of them.

WTFNOT: Mens Magazine. Style. Living The Life: Honesty & Honour coupled with Heroic Hedonism... aka The Squid Bible: Changing The World by Changing w/ The World. In time, The Kid would get a column, speaking for the next generation... or at least, himself.

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Work is fun when one gets to decide what needs doing and when.

Or in other words, it's nice to have something (meaningful) to do.

© copyright 2022 Brett Paufler