Coping with Shore Leave

Not to mention a newly misaligned modulator array.

Part of the
Tales of the Nav
Photo Fiction Series
Brett Paufler

  -- Pixelated 'The Nav' Effect
It can be like walking through a door

  -- Pixelated 'The Nav' Effect
Entering a new world

  -- Pixelated 'The Nav' Effect
You alone decide what baggage to bring...

  -- Pixelated 'The Nav' Effect
Stories to tell.

  -- Pixelated 'The Nav' Effect
Besides, they've got shops everywhere.

  -- Pixelated 'The Nav' Effect
But not everyone is buying.

  -- Pixelated 'The Nav' Effect
They still do it the same way.

  -- Pixelated 'The Nav' Effect
After all these years...

  -- Pixelated 'The Nav' Effect
With ghosts from the past calling the shots.

  -- Pixelated 'The Nav' Effect
As it should be.

  -- Pixelated 'The Nav' Effect
Lest there be gossip.

  -- Pixelated 'The Nav' Effect
But then,
after all these years,
They are the ones...
Dancing in the streets...

Brett Stuff
For More Like This
(and like nothing else)

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