Brett Rants

St Patrick's Day

Green is for LeeZards

"It be the about time we got our own webpage, Mister."

Green Water, dyed from the Chicago River for St Patricks Day 2017, these top three and bottom three pictures
I like looking at water, watching the waves ripple, having the water be green just adds to the fun
These are taken from down on the river walk, so right next to the river, it was busy, not overly crowded, but lets say, one had to want to get a bit of railing, still easy to walk and fun in the crowd, which was one of the major reasons to go down there, jumping to bottom three

Can we stare into the waters?

I guess that's the real question.

Do we need a special day or can we look around whenever we want and see what there is to see?

These are black and white filtered images of the green river, I sort of like the symbollism, and then, I wanted to scrub any identifying features from the images, others faces, the first is of a fire boat, going under a bridge, while another boat goes in the opposite direction, towing a Nellie, the Loch Ness Monster, float
Here we have the fire boat turning around on the river, with an onlooker, who is why the images needed to be scrubbed, still, I like how the building windows, the architectural details are highlighted in the black white image

Of course, any old day is just that: an any old day.

Still, wherever one looks, if one knows how to look, one can find magic.

I call them ducks, but I think they are geese, two geese looking out at the green river, I doubt they think much of anything of the green water, probably looks tasty, algae is green, after all

The ducks can see it.

'Quack! Quack! Quack!'

Or can they?

Three more of the water, lighter in color, i had no idea how much of a young person, high schooler, maybe college age festival this was
Of course, it just might be where I went and how I did it, down by the river, mostly young adults, lots of drinking, not in the open, but we passed a empty bottle of booze someone left as a trophy
and later, after we left the river, plenty of drunk folks, one girl who could not stand after the parade, and a young gentleman whose friends were walking him around, feet barely moving, head slumping over, whod had quite a bit of alcohol if not something more, he was in bad shape, this was typical, a giant crowd of drunks

I mean, they aren't even ducks, so they probably can't see the changes from one moment to the next, as the water goes rippling by, colours diffusing, one wave into the next, as the light is quietly reflected back from whence it came... or on its way to somewhere new.

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It's been a long time since I've seen so many drunk ducks, you know, young little chickadees, loose as a goose, flying high, soaring ever upwards on unsure, unsteady, and untested wings, only to drop down, back to reality, to wobble onward, delighting in the present, not a thought to the ever changing future that lies ahead.

Ah, to be young again...

Or to simply soar ever higher...

© copyright 2017 Brett Paufler