Brett Food (6-6-13)

Delightful stuff this week.
I even included a game: Tom Kha Gai Quail Monte

As to food, we have:
Oyster Spinach Casserole
Coconut Curry Quail (aka Tom Kha Gai Quail)

Oyster Spinach Casserole

So, here's the dish I made a few weeks back with duck gizzards; only instead, I'm using oysters. I was planning on chopping the oysters up, but mashing them between my fingers proved easier. Add a dash of dried onions and microwave.
ingredients, spinach, smoked oysters, i would say the image is self explanatory, but that might defeat the concept

I probably microwaved this too long. Some of the oysters got a little black around the edges. Hence, I mixed it up prior to taking a picture or serving. Wasn't great. Wasn't bad. Was greatly enhanced by a bit of balsamic vinegar.
finished product, this was good, I liked this dish, that much I remember


Quail in a one of those infamous stainless steel bowls. Can't say the quail were overly worth the money. But I like innovation and eating something different now and again, so I'll likely do again. Next time, I'm going to slice them open and broil them. If I had a barbecue, that might be ideal.
bunch of raw quail ready to cook in a bowl, I guess there are six of them there judging by the label

I cooked them for an hour at 425 or so (down to 350 half way through). I might have overdone it. The breasts were tough. While the legs and tiny (itsy-bitsy) wings dry (more or less the way I like). Once again, next time, I'll cook them at a higher temperature for less time. However, at 20 minutes (like some recipes call for) seemed uncooked to me. I won't eat fowl of any sort unless it's cooked all the way through. I find raw bird disgusting (like some folks -- myself included -- might find raw bacon).
close up of slightly cooked quail, look sort of raw to me

The first time around, I served the quail with a cherry balsamic sauce. These are canned cherries from Trader Joe's, top of the line canned fruit if you ask me.
served with cherries, balsamic, and that spinach stuff

Tom Kha Gai Quail

But like I said, it was all a little dry and chewy for me, so a coconut curry seemed just the thing. It's the standard mix for me. I already covered this once, so no great detail. A Tom Kha Gai sauce packet, hot peppers, fish sauce, and lemon juice to trick it out.
more quail, the ingredient pic, coconut milk in a clear glass baking dish, fish sauce, lemon juice, red peppers, and a sauce packet

This is what the raw sauce looks like. Everything is cooked, so I'd be more than happy to lick the spoon after mixing this in, but I like my curry warm.
close up of sauce and red peppers, not much to look at, really

In go the quail. At this point, the coconut curry is runny.
quail leg quarters in coconut milk, all spiced up

And then, who knows how much time later (maybe a half hour at 250 to warm things up; and then, I finished it by broiling for the last few minutes to get more of a crust. Looks good to me. I like rice and curry, but vegetables are perhaps healthier (perhaps).
the cooked version with a few bowls of vegetables lying about

There here would be a close up of the cooked quail in Tom Kha Gai sauce. Looks good to me.
close up of cooked version

I made six quail, so I think this here would be the third meal we got out of it. (Two of us were eating, but the second on sort of.)
Anyhow, the oyster spinach got joined by the five grain rice and I added a little olive oil (just a dash) to the spinach and some balsamic (another dash, maybe slightly larger) to the rice.
leftovers, thats what this be, rice it looks like, with leftover spinach oysters

And here it is at the table, ready to eat.
the whole lot on a plate, vegetables, quail quarter, rice and spinach

Here's maybe a better picture -- shows the elegance of the table a bit more. If I was into candles, this would be the time to bring them out. (Personally, they bug my eyes unless they're placed far off in the corner of the room. Don't like them in my line of sight -- or a work area, which is what my plate is to me).
plate on table, lots of dishes set about, some packet of mushrooms it looks like, leftover jar of broccoli, just a standard dinner, back in the day

OK. So, let's see.
One quail for me for first, second, and third meal. Girlfriend had half a quail each for the first and second meal, so she just got leftovers for the third meal. (Yeah, that's right. Don't eat your quail for supper and it will be waiting for you in the morning, Missy!)

Anyhow, sum the square, carry the one, mod six from five, or whatever the correct syntax is, and I believe that means there's one quail left. Hmmm? One quail. And then, there's you and me and who knows how many others. (Well, OK. Fair's fair, just you and me.) And that means there's not enough quail to go around.

Tell you what, I play you for them.
And that will be the pretext for a little game I like to call:

Tom Kha Gai Quail Monte

From Pizza Parlors of Pittsburg (I live in CA, so it's spelled right) to Sushi Houses of Stockton , I've slung hash in many a restaurant. The working conditions were often terrible and the wages always low, so I learned how to supplement my income as many before me: by playing Three Card Monte.

Now, this isn't Three Card Monte. Playing such a game might be illegal. So, all appearances to the contrary, that's clearly not what we're doing. No, instead, I'm going to show you how I manage to rig things in my favor, so I get more leftovers.

Below, please note that there are three (count them, three) containers suitable for storing leftover food.
However, only one of them contains any Curried Quail. The other two are empty.
Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to discover which container holds the food.
Simple, really.

2013 6-5 - Copyright (c) Brett Paufler - Brett Food - Green Lid (1).JPG

2013 6-5 - Copyright (c) Brett Paufler - Brett Food - Green Lid (2).JPG

2013 6-5 - Copyright (c) Brett Paufler - Brett Food - Green Lid (3).JPG

This is way too easy. And I feel like getting hustled. How about we play for $50 a game?
(For entertainment purposes only. All wagers are simulated. No winnings will be paid or honored.)

Total Number of Games Won:
Total Number of Games Lost:
Total Wager Owed to Brett:
(Statistics do not include current game, which are updated after the reset button is pressed.)
(Whether a game is rigged... or, er, rather, whether a game is for Monopoly Money or not can be changed prior to first play of any game.)

(Note: unless I've made a mistake or you've hacked the code (and therefor disqualified yourself by cheating), I'm pretty sure the 'Wager Owed to Brett' value will never-ever-ever, be negative. So really, no need to play. Just cut your check now. Shall we call it an even $100?)

(And yeah, there are still some chinks in the interface; but at five plus hours, I'm calling it 'good enough'.* Next time, I'm going to be very careful about adding interactivity to any buttons. There are a lot of subtle game state variations that need to be addressed (vis a vie the interplay of the button and the check box -- especially since the check box can be unchecked after the button has been pushed). Anyhow, all decisions of judges are final. If for some reason 'Wager Owed to Brett' value winds up being negative, obviously the game is broken and so I can't be expected to pay. And one can hardly call a sure thing gambling (since if the gambling box is check, you will most assuredly lose), so let's just call the entire thing a joke, not to be taken seriously. And with the best of jokes, after the laughing is over, if you've got a spare $100 lying about, please feel free to send it my way.)

*Another 2 hours, and maybe it's all cleared up. No sense leaving any bugs in the code when $50 a pop is at state (or, you know, my reputation as a Coding God).

(NOTE: I coded this for the most in the Komposer interface; but when I hit a snag, I ported it into NetBeans, which cleared the problem up right quick -- getting all that nasty JavaScript syntax right, don't you know.)

And there you go, the final dish. As good as any of the rest. And well worth the day I spent coding in order to make sure that it was mine, I might add.
Ah, so this is the final, I think, quail on top of a bed of rice and vegetables, I do not recall the quail being worth the effort, small, boney, chicken a better deal, easier

(Oh, and I have it on good authority that cats like quail. At least, the cats I live with do.)

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Copyright © 2013 Brett Paufler

This be Brett Food, the way Brett makes it.
Nothing more, nothing less.
If you're not me, might I recommend consulting an appropriate recipe book or cooking professional.

The game Three Card Monte provided for entertainment purposes only.
If you had fun, feel free to send me $100.
Or even if you didn't, I could still use the $100.
I mean, even if you didn't play the stupid game, doesn't it sound like sort of fun to send me $100? I know it does to me.

Oh, and just in case you're interested.
Coding the game took at least 5+ hours.
The rest of the site, probably less than an hour to write up and format the pictures.
OK, maybe two hours after the editing and everything. But really, I like writing, so as they say, time flies when you're having fun.