An Increasingly Misnamed
Blog About Food,
Web Design,
& (apparently)
Vacation Pictures
Montana Antiques
So, I do a fair bit of coding and web design compared to the average bear... well, if not compared to the averaged web designer. And here's the link to BrettCode just to prove it.
Anyway, I spent a week coding up an application to display my Montana Snow Pictures (in a slide show format). While in comparison, I'm expecting this page to take less than an hour (simply by using GIFs, instead).
So, long live GiFs!!!
GIFs are fun.
GIFs are easy.
But GIF's aren't for everything.
if images overrun your screen, counter intuitively, try resizing your
browser so it's smaller -- less narrow -- and images should resize
(Though, after my 2016 re-edit on this page, that should no longer be a problem. Still, good to know for other sites or older pages on this one.)
I really like this horse. Truthfully, I wouldn't be surprised if it was artificially aged, but I don't care. I like the ragged look. And I do believe there is a story in there somewhere. Oh, just bye-the-bye (a phrase I seem to be using a lot of lately), I write a fair bit of fiction, as well. Please feel free to check out Brett Words if that sort of thing interests you...
Anyhow, I dig the horse... or is it a baby unicorn? Either way, I thought it was deserving of a better work up. Hence, this multi-picture layout.
To create the layout, I just opened a photo editor (or Open Office Draw, in this particular case), imported the pictures, resized, etc, and copied the result via print screen (Gadwin Printscreen to be exact). From there, it was just a matter of using InfanView (also free) to resize, add the copyright watermark, and it's good to go. Though, in retrospect, I find the watermarks on this page very distracting and have thought about making clear, alpha layer, stencils.
But all in all, it probably took me more time to decide what to do than to do it.

Uni the Unique Unicorn just might turn into a character for a children's book. This guy won't.
And neither will she. But it is perhaps more obvious how one could go from inspiration to character with this mannequin. She Looks like a world traveller to me... perhaps a 1920's flapper.
She looks more like a native to me, but what do I know.
And then, here's the rest of the best. The dregs got cut and were consigned to the two GIF's, so these are of a better calibre than those, in my opinion.
And I do believe there is a story in this one as well... something about two sisters, one already living in the Mountains, the other back East soon to join her: mail order bride, clash of cultures, who knows? I can't say that I have a plot.

But I do have a beginning... or maybe it's the end. Certainly it's the end for for today. But then again, I'm going to have to think seriously about Uni. There's only one Uni, you know. He's unique. Most unicorns are...
So, maybe one of the sister's has a daughter. And these be the continuing adventures of her time in the wild with her faithful companion and steed:
Uni the Unicorn
© Copyright 2013 (2016) Brett Paufler
The Giggling Gourmand