The Breakfast Page
Breakfast, it's not just for breakfast any more.
Clearly, a career in marketing awaits...
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For those who simply can't wait.
Hot Chocolate
Croissants (Jelly &
Sun Dried Tomato &
Dried Mushroom Omelets
Banana Custard
Duck Liver & Corn Casserole
Shrimp Cocktail (Cat Style)
So, here you go. Proof that it is morning; or at least, sometime during the day...
Hot Chocolate
I live for chocolate. Love the stuff. Have it for breakfast everyday.

I make hot chocolate with two ingredients: milk & chocolate. Doesn't matter the type, of either. I've found that Half and Half (instead of milk) works surprisingly well.

Inclusions from certain types of chocolate float on the top, which I like, makes drinking the chocolate that much more fun. I find that most everything but raisins will float. I like almond slivers the best.

Here's 72% cocoa content chocolate. Lots of places sell it bulk. I got these for 99c a 3-pack; and then, used a $5 off coupon, I brought the price down to about $2.65/lb. And it's pretty good chocolate. Also, surprisingly, the Hershey's Special Dark is pretty darn good, as well. They sell it powdered in 8oz containers (100% cocoa); and I think it's some of the best baking chocolate around.

Here's what the 72% looks like in a slightly used cup (for the second glass of the morning). I don't have a picture of an empty mug. And empty mug would be just sad. But often there's a nice thick layer of chocolate waiting for me on the bottom for me to spoon out at the end. I have to chip it off the walls sometimes. Now, that's good eating!

Chocolate is cocoa, which is a nut. So, I reckon any old nut will work to make a similar sort of beverage. Nutella tastes pretty good, but I find it to be a lot like frosting (not that it's too sweet for my taste, but I do feel a bit guilty eating it straight out of the jar). I figure peanut butter is a good compromise.

And that's what a real cup of hot chocolate looks like.

OK. Maybe this is what a real cup of hot chocolate looks like. The lumps are from a bunch of Hershey's krackel minis. Knocks the socks off of marshmallows. Though, next time I do a hot chocolate segment (yes, there will be more chocolate to come in the weeks ahead), I might try Fluff, alaong with some of the other chocolate bars that I favour; but for now, this is what I've got handy, in the house.
Croissants (Jelly & Chocolate)
Breakfast being the theme for the week, let's move on.

Frozen mini croissants: slice off the tops, toast, add butter, salt, and jelly. And my sugar craving is satiated.

The secret ingredient, of course, is salt. Putting butter on the croissants was probably overkill.

Here's another batch (the next day) going into the oven.
From left to right there is strawberry, cherry, & blueberry. I really thought the blueberry one was going to make a mess.

It didn't.
The white specks are salt. Regular table salt this time. To really do these right (after much consideration, practice, and grim determination to get it right), I can say that for me, the right way to salt the croissants is to sprinkle the pan (or plate) with salt and let the bottom of the croissants mop it up. The salt hits the tongue first that way and everything else is just icing on the cake from there.

Chocolate croissants with salt sprinkled on the pan. (I think I did it right this time.) The blank spaces are from where I moved the pastries around in an effort to get a better photograph; and thereby, dragging them through, yet, more salt. It came as a surprise to me, but at some point, there is such a thing as too much salt. Strange but true.

The finished product. Hardly worth the separate picture. But when nobody's visiting your website (oh, whoa is me) bandwidth comes cheap (so maybe it works out in the end) and I can post what I want.
And then, in 2016, I reduced (some of) the image sizes by 50% (by px), thus reducing the bandwidth load by 60% (from like 20mb on the page to 7mb), but that's the sort of technical thing, few really care about, so on to bigger and better things.
Sun Dried Tomato
& Mushroom
Um, yeah. So do the actual ingredients actually matter in an omelet?

If so, here's what I used. I couldn't tell you what type of dried mushrooms those are. Seriously, I think they are Mushroom Brand Mushrooms, so who knows what actual type of mushrooms they are (or even the brand, since I'm going to leave them unnamed as it's probably not the mushroom's fault that I'm going to dis them for the rest of the post. For you see), I was planning on making some sort of wisecrack about how it couldn't matter what type of mushrooms they were as I got them at my favorite Asian Food Store, but the second time I ate them (the next day), I kind of felt sick. So, they're on the back shelf for a few weeks. And if I feel sick again the next time I eat them, they're out the door. Still, might tasty... sort of like chicken.

I use the olive oil from the sun dried tomatoes to grease the pan. And salt goes on the cheese. I think it's a good idea to put the salt on/near/with whatever it is that I might be inclined to add more of if the dish isn't salty enough. That's why I salt my butter or add salt over the top of my butter. I've found that when I'm craving more butter, half the time what I'm really craving is more salt. So, I salt butter, cheese, bread, well, lots of stuff. (And as I write this, salt on peanut butter sounds particularly good to me, so go figure.)

The eggs are coming along nicely.

And then, flipped like a pro.

Throw the cheese over the top, add a slice of jellied toast, and I'm ready for, well, I would have said breakfast, but I actually ate this one for dinner.

And here's the close up.

Aw, what the heck. No one's looking. Here's a close up of the close up. The best pic on the page if you ask me. Good stuff.

So good, I had it again the next day. Nearly the same.
The saucer in the middle contains hot peppers (added that this time, so maybe that's what made me a little upset to my stomach); black pepper (to taste, maybe five turns for me); dried onions (why not, I had them in the pantry, and those things are dirt cheap at Discount Grocery Outlet, probably the Dollar Store, as well); parsley flakes (because I'm a pro, and as a pro, I use whatever the heck I have lying around... falls on the floor, no problem -- so, maybe that's what did me in); and the dried mushrooms of death, doom, and gastrointestinal destruction.

Anyhow, I just soaked the mushrooms and the rest for about as long as it took me to assemble the ingredients; and once the eggs were sort of coming along, I dumped the lot into the pan. (The cheese is thawing from the freezer for about the same period of time; that's one of the reason's it's spread out.)

Looking good. And hopefully, you can see why the mushrooms sort of (kind of) reminded me of chicken. Certainly gave the entire thing a woody sort of taste (in a good way; earthy, if you will).

Cheese on top, and it's omelet time. (Served in a classy glass pie pan, which you are likely to see a lot of in the future, just like those stainless steel bowls.)
Banana Custard

Nothing fancy here.
Store bought custard mix, tricked out with a banana. My middle name is creativity.
Milk, mix, and a microwave. Bachelor cooking at it's finest. I'll let you work out the best cordial on your own. Me, I added vanilla to it once, and it just didn't mesh with the almond in the mix; or at least, I think it's almond in the mix.

Costco sells these rags for like $10 for 24 or something like that. Nice dish rags. I use a stack of them in the refrigerator to protect the shelves from hot food. On a stack of these, I feel comfortable putting pretty much anything (almost) straight from the oven into the refrigerator. The bananas wound up turning brown before I ate the custard; so next time, I'm going to plan to eat them the next day at the latest.
Duck Liver
Corn Casserole
And now it's time for some real food. No, seriously. This is top notch gourmet stuff. I could probably get away with feeding this to certain finicky females in my life; or even, bring it along for Christmas or Thanksgiving to some family gathering.

I made a duck the week before I started posting. These are the giblets, the last part left from said duck. That white stuff on top is the last of the duck's grease, too, which I scraped off.

Giblets. How many of these organs can you identify? Let's see, there's liver and kidneys and a heart; but I don't know what that thing is.
I put everything in a crock pot and I microwaved it for a while. Upon taking it out, I decided (in my infinite wisdom) to add some mushrooms, having not learned my lesson from earlier in the day. But hey, to be fair, I'm not really sure what this type of strip cut thing is, so it could always be a fungus instead of a mushroom; and that sounds a lot safer, right? (Well, either way, it was -- safer that is.)

A few more minutes in the microwave (I might have gone out for a walk); and then, a few more minutes; and then, a few more; and at some point, I got hungry, so I ate.

Of course, not before adding a few crusts of bread.
This stuff was amazingly easy to make (chop up the giblets, add corn, microwave, and dress with fungus to taste) and it tasted pretty darn good; well, it tasted like liver, so I suppose how much a person likes liver might just determine their level of interest in a dish like this, but I enjoyed it.
Of course, next time I'm going to make with this chopped spinach. And I have high hopes for that. And yes, it's the chopped spinach version I shall poison my family with: maybe call it Uncle Brett's Fungal Fiesta. Eh, that really doesn't work for me, but I still have time.
Shrimp Cocktail
Cat Style

So, we just did something hard (come on, I had to microwave & microwave & microwave), so clearly it was time for something easy. And what could be easier than your basic shrimp cocktail.

Speaking of which, this would be your basic cat type feline, finally waking up after a long day of napping.

'So, Mr Brett, didn't you say something about this being the breakfast edition? How about some Cat Food for breakfast?'

They take turns begging for the good stuff. They hardly ever both meow at the same time. If one is expending the effort, the other doesn't bother. I can, however, get them both to stand on their hind legs at the same time. It looks a lot like begging. But it's really just their way of getting closer to the food so they can smell it. Trust me, they don't bother to stand if I hold the food further up than they can reach and get a good sniff of it.

And then, it's time for my feast. Shrimp thawed in the refrigerator (from the night before); a splash of lemon juice (tricks it out, saves on having to buy fresh lemons); and a new bottle of cocktail sauce (guess you'd have to scroll up to the ingredient picture if you could possible care less about the brand I used); round it out with a glass of water (aqua, tap); and a silver spoon (because I am a man of class, distinction, and taste; just because my room-mates are cats doesn't mean I have to live like an animal; which quite frankly, doesn't seem as funny as I had hoped it would be. Oh, well.)
So, until next time (some clever little tag line you'll have to insert on your own as I am off to sleep.)
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© Copyright Brett Paufler 2013
I! I! I! I! It's all about me.
Or rather, it's what I did.
A smart person might just want to do things differently. In retrospection, I know I would. Take that corn dish, spinach would have been a better choice. Or better still, those mushrooms omelets, I really should have skipped those mushrooms the second time around.
Anyway, if I were a professional, I'm sure I'd know the professional way to disclaim all liability. Not being a professional, I don't. So, let me do it the non-professional way. This is not advice. Follow my examples at your own peril. Seriously, I'm willing to eat random fungi. It's just not a wise thing to do.
Created 5-27-13
Edited heavily 2-13-16
and/or thereabouts
and places in-between