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Lottery DataBase Analysis - 13 (assembling the data)

I now have two data files for each lottery ticket.

Per the previous page one is:
var tenDollarRaw = 
1 Nada Yet

And another for is:
var tenDollarDerived =
1 Nada Yet

YUI - Table would be great


1 Nada Yet

1 Nada Yet

1 Nada Yet

And this are all of the derived values we get for the values in oneDollarRaw;

(NOTE: the oneDollarRaw ticket price comes out wrong, so I will manually reset this value prior to caring this data forwward.  I had assumed that the first cash prize would always equal the ticket price, but turns out this isn't the case.  And you know what they say, where there's one error...)

var oneDollarDerived = {
nada yet
nada yet
nada yet
nada yet
nada yet
nada yet

nada yet
nada yet

nada yet
nada yet
nada yet
nada yet
nada yet

nada yet
nada yet
nada yet

Anywar, from here, I'll do the same thing for the other three data sets (twoDollarRaw, fiveDollarRaw, & tenDollarRaw) sight unseen.  And hopefully, I'll catch any other weird (i.e. incorrect values) that arise.


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler

Please Note: I am an idiot.  No seriously.  The odds of my gambling odds calculations being correct are likely on par with my odds of ever winning.  You have been warned.