Door Handles using the face flip algorithm, it is not the greatest picture in the world, or even in the top 10 million, but it is the image I shall be using to start this page... bronze door handles, black door, flipped and matched

C:\alpha\gmic\gmic.exe -input C:\alpha\input\test.jpg +mirror x append x -output C:\alpha\output\test_mirror_right.jpg; C:\alpha\gmic\gmic.exe -input C:\alpha\input\test.jpg mirror x +mirror x append x -output C:\alpha\output\test_mirror_left.jpg

Now, that's a One-Liner!

Actually, it's two One-Liners!

C:\alpha\gmic\gmic.exe -input C:\alpha\input\test.jpg +mirror x append x -output C:\alpha\output\test_mirror_right.jpg; `
C:\alpha\gmic\gmic.exe -input C:\alpha\input\test.jpg mirror x +mirror x append x -output C:\alpha\output\test_mirror_left.jpg

G'MIC Face Flip

I've been making the rounds of the Command Line Image Processing Software (that I want to use) and this is my 'Hello World' for G'MIC.

The semicolon (;) in the above separates two lines of code (causing two separate processes to run sequentially process_one; process_two), so I will only deconstruct the second line. Furthermore, backticks ( `, the space in front is required, but there can be no trailing white spaces) allow one to write a single command (or two commands separated by a semicolon) on two or more lines. And with that said, everything else required for full, complete, and total understanding of everything, everywhere at any and all times should be included in the following... or at least, everything a half decent programmer should need to understand the above code.

I'm still not very good at deciphering Command Line Error Messages. But I got to tell you, this was easier than programming the same thing up in Python... which is the point of this entire _ALPHA_CHANNEL_ Project.

'Hello G'MIC' Completed!

I may now advance to the next level!

GraphicsMagick FaceFlip
G'MIC FaceFlip
PowerShell FaceFlip

command line image manipulations

© copyright 2019 Brett Paufler