Reddit Analyis

An Exploration of the Resource that is Reddit

Short Intro

I use reddit.
I use it a lot.
These are the results of my explorations,
looking under the hood.

New vs Front Page

I can't tell you how to get to the front page.
But all subreddits are not created equal.

The following is derived from 25,000+ data points,
collected over a 2 week period,
in snapshots bursts by recording,
the 1000 Newest and top 1000 submissions on the Front Page.

Note: Both of these groups are comprised of a static group of subreddits.

New vs Front Page
Relative Distribution of Subreddits

Pie Chart: Relative Distrubtion of SubReddits in New
New: The Incoming Stream
Pie Chart: Relative Distrubtion of SubReddits in Front Page
Front Page: Deemed the Best

New vs Front Page
Relative Distribution
With Bar Charts This Time

Pie Chart: Relative Distrubtion of SubReddits in New
New: The Incoming Stream
Pie Chart: Relative Distrubtion of SubReddits in Front Page
Front Page: Deemed the Best

In Tabular Form

Being the thousand words in lieu of another graphic.

Conversion being New/Front Page.
I assume numbers higher than 1.00 (100% roughly),
are due to certain posts being stickier than others;
thus, staying on the front page longer.

Note: individual posts not tracked.
These are snapshot views.

Subreddit   New   Front Page Conversion
funny 1563 1194 0.763916
AskReddit 3225 920 0.285271
pics 1092 702 0.642857
aww 814 647 0.794840
listentothis 118 573 4.855932
WritingPrompts 219 523 2.388128
todayilearned 316 516 1.632911
Showerthoughts 788 417 0.529188
worldnews 256 415 1.621094
nosleep 62 403 6.500000
personalfinance 294 391 1.329932
news 238 330 1.386555
tifu 134 324 2.417910
Fitness 178 300 1.685393
videos 533 288 0.540338
gifs 136 279 2.051471
Jokes 197 275 1.395939
Music 347 270 0.778098
gaming 265 267 1.007547
mildlyinteresting 321 261 0.813084
explainlikeimfive 448 260 0.580357
Documentaries 19 219 11.526316
OldSchoolCool 80 202 2.525000
EarthPorn 83 190 2.289157
TwoXChromosomes 71 189 2.661972
movies 211 181 0.857820
Art 68 170 2.500000
Futurology 33 159 4.818182
creepy 43 142 3.302326
books 63 142 2.253968
DIY 56 139 2.482143
GetMotivated 41 137 3.341463
nottheonion 79 135 1.708861
food 87 133 1.528736
askscience 79 124 1.569620
television 41 99 2.414634
sports 45 95 2.111111
history 16 86 5.375000
science 63 85 1.349206
photoshopbattles 68 84 1.235294
LifeProTips 28 84 3.000000
gadgets 19 83 4.368421
IAmA 31 81 2.612903
philosophy 17 69 4.058824
space 68 61 0.897059
dataisbeautiful 25 56 2.240000
UpliftingNews 7 50 7.142857
InternetIsBeautiful 15 50 3.333333


The front page is more democratic (diversified) than the incoming stream.
See Pie Graphs

It's easier to get to the front page from certain default subreddits.
Note 'Documentaries' conversion ration vs that of 'AskReddit'.

The above only taking into account the default subreddits.

So, Next Up:
Trying to Capture a Broader Swath of Subreddits

Brett Stuff

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