Do you see what I see?
A Visitor
- Talk & Dinner.
- It's amazing how much time these things can take up.
- Dogwood Dander.
- Like snow.
- Late spring.
- A wonderful walk.
- Such niceness.
- It's truly amazing how much is left unwritten.
- A meal so decadently divine it deserved to be commemorated somehow.
- Commercialism.
- Without a hope of finding the monetary tie-in.
- An easy grilling...
- And fun complaining about the hotel amenities.
- Art.
- Real Art.

Humour (much like beauty) resides completely in The Eyes of the Beholder.
Also, for the most, you had to be there.
This truly was a spectacular sight. The image hardly does it justice. Mostly, because there is no emotional meta-data saved in a jpeg.
Also, for the most, you had to be there.
This truly was a spectacular sight. The image hardly does it justice. Mostly, because there is no emotional meta-data saved in a jpeg.
Tracking laughter, making note of what's important in life.
- Ain't Playing!
- Now, that's a salad.
- We are talking A Big Bowl, here.
- Moving it along.
- So hard to explain the joke.
- Ain't playing is all I'm saying.
- Really?
- Really?
- I'll never be able explain it.
- So, yes.
- Really.
- Seriously, is that the way you want to play it?
- Telemarketer brightened my day.
- I guess, that's why I like having the old number.
- Still, joke's on her.
- I'm not a business owner.
- Never was...
- An owner.
- Who would have known criticism of a music video could be so funny.
- Obsess much?
- I can't remember the dream, anymore.
- But I woke up laughing.
- Smiling, at least.
- But I went back to sleep.
- So, maybe I only dreamt I woke up.
- Any sort of formal notice gives me dread.
- It's never good news.
- Porn Guy at Library reacting to his feed.
- Or so I presume.
- I mean, he's earned the nickname in my mind.
- Apparently, the girl has no shame.
- 'Oh, my! Oh, my! Oh, my!'

I doubt there is much Rhyme or Reason to many things.
Is there supposed to be Beauty in Decay?
Humour (much less Honour) in Pain and Suffering?
Or Death?
Is there supposed to be Beauty in Decay?
Humour (much less Honour) in Pain and Suffering?
Or Death?
Continuing with the Comedy
- The tragedy of others.
- Calamity upon calamity.
- Too good to be true.
- But it is.
- Babies are so happy.
- What happened?
- I guess, they are also incredibly sad.
- So that's what happened.
- A moderation.
- A dampening of the cycle.
- The flamingos are good.
- But his insistence that his hairline was his own business put me over the top.
- Also, I need to hydrate, soon.
- Or should that be, 'Stat!'
- It's an exhaustive sort of smile.
- Sleep Walking.
- Cod-pieces on the mannequins.
- Got to love them.
- At least, I can laugh at my anger.
- I have very little mercy left.
- Don't use it up, people.
- F! You!
- A solid punchline.
- And you're the joke.
- Ha! Ha!
- Sarcasm.
- I'm bored out of my skull.
- Total miscommunication.
- There's nothing like mocking a lover.
- Teasing is great fun.
- A new Children's Story idea.
- Brett Does a Drug Deal.
- A Little Big Boy Book.
- That last idea kept me smiling for hours.
- Or a good long time.
- Whichever came first.
- Or second.
- Or who cares, really?
- Shopping online.
- Talk about First World Problems.
- Stupidest movie ever.
- Mind numbingly stupid.
- Zombie Spastic Fun!
- Zomb-astic!
- Covering up the stain never works.
- Time for more wine.
- I'm not being clear with these entries.
- The reason for the fun.
- Oh, well.
- A small spill became a blotched mess through repeated attempts to clean.
- See?
- Funny.
- Texting is fun.
- I could see having another texting partner.
- Maybe some social media presence.
- I am in an astoundingly good mood.
- Everything is making me smile.
- Except for, perhaps, thoughts of dinner.
- But that thought, itself, does.
- When my mind is on a roll, I am my own best companion.
- No one can compete.
- You're the boss.
- Right!
- Let me die...
- Well before the torture begins.
- Yes, other people's pain is funny.
- And/or the surreal absurdity of it all.
- Because sport matters.
- But I do love a shouting match.
- All the better if it is good-natured.
I must have laughed a time or two.
I mean, I must have, right?