The Wedding of Deadpool
- If any comic can spark my interest, this just might be the one.
- I loved the movies.
- I have never read the comic.
- I lost interest.
- In the word by word, anyway.
- The dialogue is not as witty as I had hoped.
- I like the short story format.
- With lots of different graphic styles.
- Cheesecake only goes so far.
- I'm falling asleep.
- The weathered old-time comic book is fun.
- But just fun.
The Beats
A Graphic History
- He looks sort of haunted.
- I will be grazing.
- Not reading.
- Drugs, Sex, & Poetry.
- That's not why they criticized the book.
- The track is great fun.
- Feel like gambling?
- I feel like gambling.
- Burroughs the druggie.
- I'm hoping.
- A stick up 'artist.'
- He does not disappoint.
- Are bookcases easy to draw?
- Gone! Beat Poetry Man! Gone!
- 'Uneven' just means you publish the bad stuff, too.
- And then, I lost interest.
- Odd how that corresponded directly with the change in artist.
But I Like It
- Rock & Roll, baby!
- Complete with CD.
- Loosing interest fast.
- The splash page was fun.
- The intro comic sparked my interest.
- But I'm turning pages fast, now.
- Half-art (concept sketches and whatnot) hardly ever does it for me.
- I imagine the posters and album art would be good for one in a chemically altered state of consciousness.
- A whole lot of I don't care.
- Bracketed by a bit of mildly interesting stuff.
- It's good art.
- Story doesn't look like my sort of thing.
- I've already flipped through it once.
- If this were the first book of the day, things might have been different.
- But my neck has had about enough.
- Yeah, I don't care about the story.
- The history.
- Now, throw in some goblins or Elves...
I'm back to reading Science Fiction... and whatever else comes my way.
Sharp Ends
Joe Abercrombie
- It's supposed to be 'Delightfully Twisted and Evil.'
- Starting with the flap.
- I don't like the proper nouns.
- I don't like the map.
- If you say bastard enough, it does become funny.
- I laughed.
- I like the pattern.
- Overall, I can't say I care.
- Little of an in for me.
- But light.
- The appeal is right on the surface.
Sudden Setup
Barb Han
- Harlequin Harley.
- As in, it's a motorcycle romance.
- 1,774.
- That's a lot of books.
- A cast of characters.
- My mind's going blank.
- I swear I just saw a sigil in the margin.
- Or maybe, I mean glyph.
- She's given him a nickname.
- He's thoughtful.
- It's the little things.
- A mystery I won't be trying to follow.
- Much less, solve.
- It follows that he can use a gun.
- It's her father's posthumous last request.
- Romantic.
- Touching.
American Science Fiction
Four Classic Novels
The Space Merchants
More Than Human
The Long Tomorrow
The Shrinking Man
- The Space Merchants
- I could read this.
- Or at least, start.
- The compilation of stories is new, modern, and hardback.
- I like the glossy feel of the paper.
- Damn Consies!
- It doesn't pay to have a conscience.
- I can only assume.
- Hubba! Hubba!
- More Than Human
- Begs the question.
- Is it?
- Is it, really?
- How to beg?
- I sense it to be a mystery.
- I guess, they are all mysteries.
- Especially if you only skim them.
- Flat out skipped.
- To kill a man that isn't there.
- Because you are somewhere else.
- Got it?
- Homo Gestalt.
- What could be.
- So what is.
- Love.
- I'd like to believe.
- But I can't hold on to the dream.
- A companion worthy of the name.
- The Long Tomorrow
- Less is more.
- Almost the hint of a mystery makes it unsettling.
- A mystery means void.
- It means you got nothing to say.
- Touche.
- Too much knowledge is a dangerous thing.
- There are worse things to fear than death.
- If knowledge of sin is a sin in itself, then can it be that only sinners are righteous?
- The Shrinking Man
- I flipped by the story break the first time around.
- Doomed to failure.
- Going against my Incredibly Shrinking Interest, as it is.
Clockwork Angels
Kevin J. Anderson
- I find it hard to believe the song was that good.
- I wonder if he verbally records his writing?
- At 100+ novels, I have incredibly low expectations.
- High production values.
- I want the lyrics to the song.
- Not a song, an album.
- It's in an appendix.
- Clocks and watches throughout.
- I'm not finding the in.
- I am sure it will be a commercial success.
- Copyright by Core Music Publishing.
- I would really like to care more than I do.
Sex Criminals
Volume One
One Weird Trick
Matt Fraction & Chip Zdardky
- I won't.
- The magic of it all.
- A girl's got to have her priorities.
- It's how I got my first mag.
- You could get caught.
- Or bored.
- Nice art.
- I don't think I care about the story.
- Of course, I was never expecting to drop in.
- The swirls representing magic are the best part.
- Soothing warm colors.
- I can't see bothering to pick up the sequel.
- But...
Locke & Key
Welcome to Lovecraft
Joe Hill & Gabriel Rodriguez
- I don't know why I recognize the name.
- I am expecting an ever-quicker flip through.
- Than the last.
- This ain't reading, friends.
- A door.
- I can start there.
- A dead body.
- Well, that escalated quickly.
- Titties.
- Show 'em if you got 'em.
- Cheaters never prosper.
- Death follows her around.
- It's/He's got a crush on her, I'd say.
- Oh, I like that.
- I've been doing this traveling thing all wrong.
- It makes Dream Sense.
- That's what happens when you don't read the words.
- Overall, nice story hooks.
Black Science
Volume 1
How To Fall Forever
Rick Remender, Matteo Scalera, & Dean White
- "Gleet!"
- Frog People.
- Sexy Frog People.
- The big pictures are ruined by the page-folds.
- Also, I think I'd rather be reading Heart of Darkness.
- Dark Humour.
- Is the bottle completely empty?
- Or the opposite of full.
- Gas masks don't do it for me.
- Done with the art.
- Done with the book.
- Wait!
- Monkeys!
- Now, I'm done.
Black River
Josh Simmons
- Post apocalyptic.
- That's how you build team spirit.
- Kill 'em dead.
- Going nowhere.
- So let's kill some-one.
- Some-two.
- Not much point to it all.
- Though, perhaps, the most realistic apocalyptic fiction I've read in awhile.
- Another one bites the dust.
- Grim.
- And there you are.
- The End.
- Doesn't matter much how you get there.
Star Wars
Mutiny At Mon Cala
- General Leia.
- I don't take her seriously.
- Maybe, I'm sexist.
- Or maybe, her role was always sex-based.
- I like the screen scroll.
- Pretty boy.
- Bribery.
- The hard way.
- Old bits never die.
- The just get stuck in the serials.
- Bit of a bully.
- I'm guessing the comic was created with the aid of a computer.
- The curves are too fine.
- Too much work to do by hand.
- The Empire is big on its large structural edifices.
- The plot is hard to care about.
- Is that the second or third bar scene?
- In all the excitement, I lost count.
- C3PO.
- Is that his name?
- Either way, feeding lines is his game.
- All Pimp Daddy.
- Did you say?
- Yes!
- I like the fake packaging.
Star Wars
The Ashes Of Jedha
- Luke! Luke! Luke!
- Not as interesting.
- Hard to put my finger on why.
- I like the dusty alley.
- Maybe, that's why.
- I want ambience.
- The action means little to me.
- Do or Die!
- Turns out.
- Death is an option.
- That's not a good plan.
- Any other would be better.
- Then, it's decided.
- Too much like a Super Hero.
- What good is money if you can't give it away.
Magic The Gathering
Book 1
- Flaming.
- Something.
- And the chase is on.
- The wench is the/a love interest.
- Really heavy on the monotone.
- Why barbwire?
- That's nice.
- I like her crystal.
- Well, cauldron.
- Fun turn of phrase.
- The juxtaposition of it all.
- The flash-page gallery is what this comic should have been.
- Could have been.
East of West
Hickman - Dragotta - Martin
- Green Line Killer.
- Mostly.
- I like the pattern-leaf on the book-flap.
- Front and back.
- Ha!
- Wooton got no play on the front cover.
- Get away!
- Sloppy.
- With tusks like that.
- He might as well be an orc.
- Folks is going to die.
- Lordy!
- I like Darkie.
- I don't care for the horse.
- Don't talk sass.
- Fun!
- You could write a comic about her.
- Alone.
- Nice futuristic buildings.
- Not the same old.
- Only in comic books.
- Do I like a gun pointing at me like that.
- Staring down the barrel, as it were.
- Great!
- And good art, too.
- I mean, I'm flipping.
- But I'm, also, finding reasons to stop.
- Shards of Shadow!
- Who knows their intent?
- I will run with the idea.
- Maybe.
- Her's are crows.
- Same as her name.
- So, I am safe with mine.
- I guess I can't have it all.
- Three more in that series, I do believe.
- Maybe, I'll put off posting for one more day.
- Nope.
- Six more.
- On the shelf, at least.
East of West
Two - Three - Five - Six -Seven
Hickman - Dragotta - Martin
- Wasn't he the bartender?
- Proof!
- I like the visuals.
- Justice takes a lot more than an eye for an eye.
- I have my favorites.
- Those that steal the show.
- Not soon enough.
- It reminds me of Drunna, a bit.
- Now, that's a gun.
- Next book, The Crow.
- I'm not really sure who survived and why.
- I don't like that he could shoot back.
- The book is falling apart.
- Literally.
- Next up.
- I don't know this character.
- Someone to fill out the demographics.
- Enemies.
- All around.
- She's drawn too flat.
- More like a M.U.L.E.
- An asteroid harvester of old.
- Revenge.
- Naked Ninja!
- Poison.
- Ride the White Wolf.
- On to the sixth title.
- And this is where I noticed the 'of' in the title.
- Previously, East West.
- I don't think it makes much difference.
- I look forward to the aphorisms.
- The fighting makes no never mind to me.
- Nor do I care for the monsters.
- There is a reason why I'm flipping through all in a single sitting.
- There is no charm in chemical dependency.
- And the second year ends.
- Onto the next.
- Final for me.
- And I'm done.
- Odd how that went.