Books Best Left Unwritten
Being a writer, I have a low opinion of the publishing industry. It comes with the territory and/or the understanding that there is a difference between what one might wish to write or read and what will likely sell to a mass market audience. Of course, no one really knows what will sell, otherwise no one would bother printing all those books that wind up in the bargain bin. Anyhow, the concept of this page is that what follows are all ideas that could be expanded into books. Heck, any idea can be expanded into a book. Just like any idea, no matter how thin, can be expanded into a webpage heading. But no matter the ability to expand upon a blurb, it remains that some books are best left unwritten.
And then I paused to consider: when was the last time I bought a book, I mean, like, actually paid cash money for one? It's been years. So, let's think. It was maybe going on three years ago that I paid something like five dollars for a bag of books at a library book sale. But times change. And in these last two months, I've owned title to something on the order of a hundred actual ink and paper books (and magazines, maybe half and half again were magazines that) passed through my fingers and I didn't pay a red cent for any of them. Those communal book drops are wonderful things. Seriously, between freeloading readers like me... and hacky bloggers flooding the system with free content (also, ironically, like me)... it's no wonder the publishing industry is at a point of crisis.
The End of Times: Publishing in it's Final Days
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