A rack of ribs, cut up, and in the dish in which they were cooked, for hours and hours and hours, so tender, so delicious, so ridiculously easy
In the Dish
Ribs as served on the plate with BBQ sauce and a side of corn, do not know where that came from, very tasty, falling off the bone good
On the Plate


So easy, it's almost sinful.

1 rack frozen ribs (I stock up when they are on sale; unfortunately, this is my last rack)

So, like, I really do not know what could be easier... or how I could reduce my process any further.

Cutting open up the package, I placed the rack of pork ribs in a glass baking dish, which I filled halfway with water; and then, placed the lot in the oven at 250° for half the day.

Um, I started at 8:30AM, so let's see when I feel like eating.

But before then, I should mention that I like adding water to a lot of things that I put in the oven for a long time, as I believe it helps to prevent them from drying out.

Anyhow, still waiting...


And here it is (or should that be was) eight hours later at 4:30PM. And it is (was) time to eat.

After adding a bit corn to the plate (plant seed corn, hoe, water, weed, wait six months, husk, boil; and finally, add butter to taste, prior to serving), I topped the ribs with a splash of BBQ sauce (whatever was handy).

And viola!

Another meal in the bag... with leftovers to boot.

May, 2018

Brett Food

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© copyright 2018 Brett Paufler