Those green circles around the perimeter are for debugging purposes. I want a line (a ray if you will), to go from the center point of each on of those circles, to the center.

The circles dance around the OctoGon onMouseDown, as the size of the interval is changed with every click. (Per debugging code in text box at top.)

Up top in the textBox, I added feedback for the CenterPoint (and that's right were I want it to be (200, 250), since the canvas isn't square).

I also added a textBox for the VectorRay. Probably should have done that sooneer, but then we would have missed out on all this fun.

Based on feedback, I'm assuming I need to back out the CenterPoint point from the VectorRay. Notice how the x coordinate on the Vector Ray varies as the last green circle completes the circuit and drops out of the picture.

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