Brett Paufler
Content Creator
Python Programmer
50th Anniversary Internet Edition
Contracts, Contacts, and Co-Conspirators Always Welcome.
Have Keyboard, Will Travel.
Quick Links to the Main Stubs
Currently Looking for the Next Big ThingTM
A New Year, A New Look
A New Frame of Mind
But Always Backwards Compatible
The Old Front Page
Another Aborted Version
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
The Dragon Bound Adventuring Series
The Dragon Bound Adventuring Series Main Download Page
The real reason I have a website.
Brett Words
Of which only a small sample is linked to directly here.
G'narsh: The Troll, The Myth, The Legend
Embracing the Smile that is this Moment
Freestyle Zen Buddhism
(Smile Download Page)
Suki Kamasutri:Queen of the Galactic Frontier"
The Suki, she is the so much fun to the read.
(Suki Download Page)
The Twelfth Century
And you think you've been stuck in High School a long time...
(Twelfth Download Page)
Other Writing and Rants
You may have heard of literate programming,
this is more like literate literature.
True works of fiction.
Archived Articles
Never before published!
Poetry In Motion
Vogon's got nothing on me.
Broken Stories
The rest is up to you.
My Hawaii
Unfinished, but the best vacations always are...
Brett Rants
Opinionated, I can be.
Some even edible.
Picture Stories
And Other Cool Stuff
Because Sometimes a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Photo Fiction
One of my favorite photo manipulation effects.
About Town
Church of Our Ancestors
The Spaces In Between
Storm Clouds Rising
The Shot
Wild West
Science Fiction: at it's turn of the century finiest.
A Boy and His Droid
Art of the Science
Cemetery Dance
Cycles of the Heart
The Tar
Coping with Shore Leave
Ghostly Aura
From the Lands Beyond.
Making the Passage
Footsteps in the Dark
Island Dreams
Making the Ghosly Aura Filter
Photo Fiction with Unfiltered Images
Got to have something to make the rest stand out...
Gilding the Lily
My first stab at photo fiction.
What Stays in China Town
Um, er, I guess, stays in China Town.
Code, Samples, Stories, How To
Butterfly Effect - I
Butterfly Effect - II
Photo manipulation test pages
HoG Code
HoG Demo Story
Histogram of Gradients: the sum being more than the parts.
Hypno Spaz
Seizure Alert!
Stripe Test
Fun with Edge Detectors.
The progression was natural,
a simple return to my roots.
A Young Hacker in the Making
The following being but a small sampling.
Weekly Python Code Snippets
The real resume page.
Python Cheat Sheet
Those who can, do.
Those who are still learning how, write tutorials.
HTML -> Python -> HTML
Visual Debugging Survey
I think you'll see the need.
Web Nodes Website Mapping
Graph Theory? Check.
Some folks read tea leaves; I do Big Data.
Best Day to Trade
Hint: It's Thursday... maybe.
Corn vs Oil
Related, but not correlated (sic).
Whatever (sic) means.
That overly inclusive category otherwise known as 'Stuff'.
Lottery Analysis
Like Corn Futures, only more predictable.
Python is my (current) language of choice,
but it was not my first language,
nor shall it in all likelihood be my last.
My Strength is My Weakness.
My Weakness is My Strength.
Rectangle Game
Does any game really have a point?
Qauzy Face of the Prophet
YUI Graphing Library Test Project
OctoGon Wars
A momentary diversion...
Monte Carlo
Do you feel lucky, punk?
Match Game
As a metaphor for my early coding attempts.
Beating Heart
Comically Simple.
Big Bang
A simply graphic from my misspent middle aged youth.
Replaced in my heart, mind, and daily practice by GiFs.
Webpage Setup
Points & Angles
Canvas Setup
View Center
Compound Pendulum
The trick is making it look easy...
Screen Line Animation
I came. I saw.
I copied the effect, while notching it up a little bit more.
Bubble Drop Game
Clear the board; then, clear it some more.
Website Design & Layout
Flat Website
A page very much like the one you're already on.
The Tree
The Tree (yui)
Chinese New Year I
Chinese New Year II
Pictures: little more.
She may own my heart, but I own the rights to her likeness and everything else on these sites. Such as...
Oh, you think I'm weird...
Dream Jeannie
Isn't this how you spend your weekends?
Broken Heart
Tarot Cards
The Sick
Brain Sucking Aliens
UFO Attractor's Handbook: Practical Advice for an Impractical Hobby
A complete and utter Train Wreck.
UFO Attractor's Handbook: 2nd Ed
Or er, that is to say, a complete and utter Space Wreck
and that all important advice on what to do should you find one.
My cat said my first blog should be about food, so it was.
Prime Rib
It's what's for supper.
Diablo Fire
Nero fiddled. I took pictures.
Barrel Roll
Can you keep it from rolling off the page?
Game Tyrants
Another weekly blog, about... guess?
HTML Symbol Reference Chart
Just like it says.
HTML Color Chart
Because I like using my own references.
HTML Table as Image Display
And the basics, so often, lead to something more.
And last but not least, a few resources,
easily locatable at the bottom of the page.
Python Library Review
First impressions, second thoughts.
Python Default Library Commands
A Cheat Sheet for My Pythonic Way.
Lightning Talks
Image Cracking
Genetic Programming
Functional Programming
HTML Tag Tutorial
I like to talk.
© Copyright 2015, 2016 Brett Paufler
Terms of Service